Diary 2 - You Noticed Me

Start from the beginning

Suddenly, someone shouted for Kagami and they both looked to see a familiar blond in the distance.

"Kagamicchi! What are you doing way over there? C'mon, Coach wants us!" Kise shouted, waving his arm.

"Okay!" he shouted back, but turned back to Kuroko, who had hid Nigou from view just in case.

"Uh, see you tomorrow?" He scratched at his cheek.

Kuroko nodded, offering a small smile. "Yes, see you tomorrow."

She watched him grin and go to meet his friend. Even from here she could hear the loud blond.

"What were you doing all by yourself?"

Good, he didn't see her or Nigou. She brought the pup back out from behind her and started petting him.

The smile stayed on her face, and she pressed her warm face into Nigou's black fur.

. * . * .

Kuroko returned home after a while of taking care of Nigou and using the library to complete homework assignments.

She always grew wary when returning home, something that had just started growing on her in the past few years. She lived with her parents and had no siblings.

When she was a child, her parents were loving and it was a loving household. Somehow... along the way of her growing up, that changed. Her parents started becoming distant with each other. She wasn't sure if it was stress from their respective jobs, or something else, but it happened.

It was a gradual thing too. At first, they would act normal when she came around them, and all seemed good. She believed her parents could work whatever mishap happened between them. She's seen them in love, and their love was a beautiful thing. Both of her parents shared their love story with her when she was able to understand it, and it was one she absolutely cherished.

She cherished her parent's love for each other, she didn't want it to ever fade.

But it did.

"I'm home." Kuroko responded in a small voice as she walked in, taking her shoes off.

There was no response. Only loud clanging of pots in the kitchen from where she summarized her mom being at. Her father wouldn't be home for another hour.

She hesitantly walked into the kitchen, her whole form feeling cold despite the warm air in the house.

"Mom?" Kuroko called out softly, not able to muster up enough courage to be louder.

Her mom was beautiful. Kuroko definitely inherited her mother's looks; long light blue hair that was straight and soft-looking, large light blue eyes, and pale skin. Kuroko was always told she looked more like her father in the face, but her mother did seem to have a lack of presence - just not to a degree as Kuroko's.

Her mother had a sunny personality in that it was bright and inviting, warm. She liked to wear dresses around the house and used to always dress Kuroko up to match her for random picture taking.

Her mother was eccentric, and she could always count on her for a smile.

But there were no smiles, there was no warmth.

"Mom?" Kuroko called out pitifully again, walking over to lightly tap her shoulder.

The light blue-haired woman instantly turned around in shock before those stunning eyes focused on Kuroko. "Tetsumi! Don't sneak up on me like that, you know I don't like that!" she spoke in a shocked and aggravated tone, and Kuroko immediately retracted her hand like it was burned.

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