Special guest

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Aizawa's POV:

I gave Izuku the letter the next day morning and today was Monday. For some reason I was eager to see him come and teach my class some basics about their quirk and movements. It would definitelly help them but also make my life easier too.

So today I was wayting at ground beta with Vlad King and his class. Our classes were together and I could already hear Vlads class go on guessing as well as talking about the invited guest. However the moment they started mocking our dear guest Izuku, even before me or Vlad King could say a word, my class representative Iida, whacked the guy over his head. It was Monoma to be specific and he got a robotic chop on his head. 

He soo deserved that one.

I knew that.

Vlad knew that.

My class knew that.

However before we could even explain why he deserved it, I could hear a Hey and some footstepps.

Izuku: Hello Shota.

Eri: Hewo Aizawa-san.

Kota: Hello.

The three kids came over and my class immediatelly went silent. They already had enough experience that one day to know that Izuku was no joke at all.

Me: Hey. Nice to see you made it.

Izuku: Mh. Also brought you and Vlad some coffee.

Me: Thanks. *sigh* I really need this.

Vlad: Thank you.

My class was really quiet since they respected Izuku a lot after how much he helped and whacked them on that one day. However Vlad's class was being loud and whispering to each other if this was a joke. Unfortunately for them it wasn't and I was sure if we could hear what they were whispering so did Izuku and he would pay them back for the insolent.

Vlad: All right everyone! This is our special guest Izuku Midoriya. For today, he designed a special training course which I will tell you in a moment. You will be picked out one by one and will get some notes on what to improve. I advice you not to think of this as a joke.

Izuku: Hello everyone. I might seem young and inexperienced in your eyes since I am the same age as you all but I assure you, I am good at what I am doing otherwise I wouldn't be invited here by Nezu. 

After that he basically told them what today's training was all about and after the whole thing started, I started looking after Eri and Kota who were pretty well behaved children. It was nice having them around me while Izuku was assessing the situation as well as writing down notes.

It was as promised. He not only trained them extremely well after the firs hour but he also gave them a full sheet of A4 paper, double-sided filled about their quirk as well as what they could improve.

I could only watch and smile when everyone saw the paper.

Kirishima: BRO! Is this for real?

Kaminari: How did he even make these?

Ashido: There isn't even a small space to note things down....

Me: *sigh* He loves analysing quirks. Don't mess with him. He knows probably more than he wrote down on the paper. 

Vlad: I am sure he knows everything about ones quirk from every person he analysed until now.

Bakugo: That is true and never train with him personally.

Shinsou: Huh... But I trained with him.

Bakugo : I am sure he freaking went easy on ya.

Shinsou: ... Probably tho it was hell too.

Bakugo: That it was definitelly easy cause hell doesn't even describe it.

Everyeone started talking about Izuku's ability and how cool he was. I was pleased to hear them talk about him in such a way. He deserved it after all. 

The moment I realized that I couldn't see him nor the other two kids, I decided to walk around until I saw Midnight looking at a tree.

Me: *Sigh* What you-

Midnight: Shh....

She pointed to that tree and when I looked at the direction, I saw them all sleeping together. Izuku must have been tired. He was here for the past 9 hours after all. It was a lot and hard too. He did a good job tho and so I called up some other heroes and we all went and brought him back to his come. In specifically, it was me, Nem and Zashi.

??? POV:

" Is this him?"

"Is he alone now?"

"You sure about this kid?"

"YES! Now grab him and not the other bastards!"

"But... wouldn't they just call up the heroes when we don't take everyone?"

" You think they will be that fast?"

"Ah yeah... no"

Just like that I watched the heroes leave the cafe and the kids inside alone. This one quirkless kids was the best target and something our boss would love. That much was clear to me. All we had to do now was grab him. It would be this easy of a job!

A/N: Chapter 6 Another Day end from the orginal work

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