A shadow? A hobo? NO! It a hero!

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Izuku's POV unless said otherwise!

It was a long day and all I wanted to do was get back home. AND with home I meant my little coffee shop. I loved it as it was my little sancurary that I build up myself. The only place I really felt at home.

I wonder what I should do?

Should I put a new coffee recipy on the list as the weeks special?

Or maybe a cake?

A cupecake perhapse?

Ah I can't decide!

I wonder if it should be too sweet or if I should go for something more fruity?

Gosh there is soo many things to decide!

As I was thinking of my little precious cafe and what I could put on the menu list to make it more interresting for my customers, I passed this alley where I saw somthing black out of the corner of my eyes. Now it was still not too dark for me not to be able to see shit.


What was that?

I walked passed the alley only to stop a couple of meters away from it. 


Did I see that correctly?

Now doubting what I just saw, I started to walk backwards so that my head could peack around the corner to that alley and see what was going on. Thankfully all the whits I had didn'T leave me yet and I was not going insane too. There was a person who was leaning against the wall and walking towards me.

He was completly dressed in black but there was this white or more like grey scarf around his neck. I was sure it was supposed to be gray but it was hard to tell seeing how much blood was on it. 

Not only that but he had a cut under his eye and blood was dripping down from his hand. 


What the hell happened!!!

I can't leave you out like that!

What if someone decide to attack you again...

Welp not really right since you are already this badly hurt.

I need to call the amulance!


They will take way too much time!

I have to call the police....

But what should I tell them....

I can't even call 911 since they will only laugh at me for calling them and saying it is a prank call.... HAHA... what else. A quirkless kid playing a prank on them since he is quirkless....

Very funny indeed.

So I can't call the cops, 911 or the amulance... guess you coming with me.

As I finally decidded that, I saw the hobo looking man collapse right in front of me.

Me: OH No you don't!

Right before he could hit the floor, I let go of the groceries I baught for the cafe and rushed towards the man to catch him. Thankfully I made it just in time.

Me: Sir?


Me: Sir!

Again nothing.

I can't just kidnap a guy... can I?

I mean he is badly hurt... so I am just helping him out.... it's not as if I am kidnapping someone randomly.

He is a hero after all. 

It's also not good if someone sees him in this condition at all.

Yeah... That would be dangerous.

I better get him to my coffee shop.

But first!

I saw all the blood and started panicking. If he was injured pretty badly, then I had to apply some first aid. No matter what I had to at first see what I was dealing with and so I slowly put him to the ground.

Me: I am sorry but I have to check your wounds first. I don't want you to bleed out on my way to my little cafe!

Just like that I went ahead and started to look for any wound I cant find and basically remove the fabric from there. From what I could see there was a shoulder wound he had and one on his left leg. Then there was this stab wound but it wasn't lethal at all... well that was only if he would get treated. 

Me: ... You really are lucky I found you. You know....

If you would run around a little more with these wounds, you would bleed out for sure. Yup!

You better look out next time.

You won't get lucky everytime as now.

I ripped up some pieces of my shirt and used it as bandages to apply some pressure on the wounds and make treat them so that he would last till we arrive at my little cafe.

It was important for me now to get him to my coffe shop then anything else. This was also why I quickly grabbed the groceries from the street and took the man or more like put his hand around my neck and started to kinda drag him back to my coffee shop.

How else was I supposed to get a fully grown up man to my coffe shop?

I wasn't so tall to just pick this dude up and walk with him princess style back to the cafe?

Who am I?

All Might?!


I was just a normal kid, without any quirk but his whits. Nothing special about me. Nothing at all.... or so it seems for the people who don't know me well.

Me: Okay, now let's get back to the cafe!

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