Chapter 10: Understand your powers part 2

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No updates or other importen info to tell this time. Well other then, if any of you wanna be in a chapter, as a side character, you just have to leave a comment with an idea to a chapter. That's all, enjoy this chapter!

( Underworld, Dragon Territory, Underground Tunnels)

It had been half a weak, with Issei training Saji mostly in running away and building some muscle, as well as making his body better at using his sacred gear. Saji had managed to land a few hits on Issei in his daily "Running-and-Gunning" training, that Issei had made him do. His progresse was interesting, as it went better then Issei, Azazel and Sona had expected. Issei had to explain to them that he was infact talking about Saji, when he told them about his progress.

It had been so much of unexpected thing, that Azazel had to change his plans for Saji, so that Issei had to finsh the basic part of the training for Saji in the first week. Because he would be sent to Grigori for some "upgrades" and come back to the tunnels, were Issei was to finsh his training. So now at the dawn of the 4th day, Issei stood silently before Saji, who was in his running gear. A pair of shorts, a t-shirt and running shoes.

Issei finally looked up, making eye contact with Saji who twitch a bit at the sudden eye contact. Issei then smirked a bit, which made his fangs show. His body began to morhp slightly, as his parts of his human features disappeared, and became more dragonic. Saji walked a bit backwards, as he was not sure of what was happening, as normally Issei would give him a 10 second head start. He normally came in his true form and began a count down.

" Issei.. what's happening? Why aren't you in your- whoa!" Saji just barely dodge a slash attack from Issei, who now stood at 8 feet tall, and in his dragonic humanoid form. But Issei didn't answer, instead he slashed once again, then again and again. He slowly went into a pattern, which Saji was having trouble dodging, as it became faster and faster for every time he dodged. Then Issei suddenly change his approach, as he sent an uppercut towards Saji, and also wide swing from his left.

Saji dodged away from the uppercut, but got hit by the wide swing, sending him closer to Issei again, who kicked him away with a fast knee to his stomach. Saji landed on his back, feeling the air in his lungs being shot out. He tried to support himself off the ground, but his sense told him to dodge, which he did as dent in the ground  were he was earlier was made by Issei left hand. Saji got up quickly, jumping to the side as he felt his sense warning him of another attack at his lower legs, which happened as Issei tail swung right were his feet had been a few momments ago.

" Issei! What are you doin- Chill out!" Issei almost got him again with two side slashs, making Saji have to duck under, then backstep before Issei tail could stab him. Saji then had to dodge back again as Issei tried to hit with a double hammer fist, which ended with breaking the ground under it, along with making the tunnel shake." What am I doing? I am attacking you, you idoit! Now fight back already!" Issei roared as he sent another left fist flying towards Saji, who dodged out of the way, only to be caught by Issei right leg sending him into the wall.

" Why..? Is this part of- Okay, fine I'll fight!" Issei had sent his right fist into wall Saji had been in, making Saji dodge out of the way, then finally taking a fighting stance. Issei smirk as he saw this, and took his own. They both stood still for a bit. Saji was sweating as he was vastly weaker compared to Issei, even when Issei was in his human form he was still weaker then him. Issei stood still and just grined, showing his sharp teeth, he had barely broken a sweat yet.

A little drop of sweat rolled down the side of Saji face, hanging onto his chin before falling off. Time slowled down, as Saji raised his arms to defend himself, while Issei began to shot off on his clawed feet. When the drop landed, Issei was slashing, kicking and slamming at Saji defence. Saji could feel that his arms were beging to give in, by the light amount of blood he could feel on his arms, as well as the feeling of his bones slowly breaking. Issei held back a lot, and Saji knew this, but even so this was still more then he could take.

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