Chapter 5: Kings'

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Hello again, I am thankfull for the people who have voted for my story and thankfull for the small chats I have had with a few of you people. Do write a comment, be it critic, advise or something else, I always enjoy them. I also hope people have been able to hopefully understand my terriable grammer, as I am dislichet, so writing on here has not been easy as many of the words get the red lines under them. Both when it's right and wrong, which dons't really help when I am already not sure how to write the word to begin with. Anyways, let's get on with this story, enjoy!

( Kouh Academy, Conference room)

The shock of most of the devil people in the room was great, as it's not every day they see old devil royalty, or crimanel one at that. Katerea Laveithan, the desecndent of the orgineal Laveithan, had just appeared in the middle of the conference room and begun her monolouge. She spoke of how she was the true Laveithan, how Serafall had done okay job keeping her throne warm for her, and how she was going to kill everyone in the room. Every day vilian stuff.

With a quick and sneaky hit from Azazel sent her out of the window, with Azazel and the other leaders preparing a defensiv dorm around the frozen members." Vali while me and the others are getting this ready, could you keep our guset entertained?" Asked Azazel, as Vali looked out the window to see the many hooded figures coming out of gaint circle hanging in the sky. Vali just shrugged as he step closer towards the broken the wall, then jumped out of it, with blue light forming around him as he did.

" Vanishing Dragon, Balence Breaker!" A mighty voice roared out from the newly formed white armor around Vali's body, with two gaint blue wings shining as it did." Sure old man, better pay me extra for this." He answered as he flew at high speeds into the fight, flying between enemies, knocking them out of the sky one by one. And while Vali was kicking ass, the leaders mangede to move and form a dorm around all the frozen people, and had sent Azazel out as another fighter. The three other leaders, and Grayfia, kept the dorm up with Saji, Kiba and Xenovia just standing by, not knowing what to do.

( A/n: I forgot Xenovia also dons't get frozen, so just forgot that fact and let's pretend like I wrote her name as an unfrozen person last time.)

( Kouh Academy, Orc Building)

Screams and yells of pain and death could be heard through the whole building, as many small pils of magician corpse had formed through out the halls, with a clear blood trail from them all leading further in to the building. Blue misilles, fire balls and lighting strike where being shot and fired off towards the same direcations, as the magicians casting them were retreating away from the place." Everyone cast holy magics!" Yelled one of them, as he stopped and began to cast one of the few holy magic magician knew about, only to be cut in half a second later by an invisable claw.

The few people who had stopped to help, all stood complet frozen as they all look on in fright as his body fell to the ground in two pieces. They all began screaming in fear, some of them seeming to lose their mind over this, as they fell over and fainted from pure horror. A low growl was heard from the place the had all retreated from, which had been barely visable as a smoke cloud had been formed from all the explosions.

" Really, is this the best you can do? I am not even trying yet, jeez.." A deep and pridefull voice spoke from within the smoke, soon after followed by heavy footsteps. A young man exited the smoke, his build was intimiting as he was easily over 8 feet tall with arms and legs that look like a monster limbs, with how big and strong they looked. His hair went all the way down his back almost reaching his knee caps, and his face had most of covered in black scarles and his hands had been replaced with claws. He even had a long and thin  tail swinging around lightly behind him.

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