Start from the beginning

            "And was this 'on purpose' shooting warranted?"

            "Effiny, how did Danais know I was back?"

            The Speaker was silent for so long, fear began to pool in his gut.

            "I suppose he may have been watching for you."

            It took everything in Porter not to sigh. Was he the only one not spying on people?

            "Why would he do that? Danais and I have never had any issues, and now this?" Porter hesitated, not sure what to give out and what to hold back. "He's made some dangerous accusations against me. He's been going through my files. I believe...A non-Progeny boy was murdered in Shamir. A boy I had a personal stake in. I believe Danais is responsible."

            "What sort of stake?"

            He couldn't think of a reason to lie. Not to Effiny, or about this. It would feel like he was denying Taveel if he downplayed his importance. "I was planning on adopting the boy as my son and grant him full Progeny rights."

            She shook her head and made a scolding noise. "Ah Porter...You do make life more interesting," was all she offered. No scolding. No telling him he was a fool. He appreciated that. Then, "May I ask what allegations Danais made?"

            "Crimes against the Progeny."

            "I see. If Danais makes the charge, people will listen. Does he have a reason?"

            "I'm not saying another word until I know where I stand with you."

            "You realize that makes you sound guilty."

            He sighed explosively. "Is it wrong to want everyone to be treated fairly? Is it a bad thing to want justice for the people who need it? Does it make sense that Eos should have such a rigid caste system, people's whole lives are dictated at birth? Hell, at the rate we're going, soon we'll start pre-programming the number of years we're each allowed to live."

            "I realize you're upset—"

            "Fuck upset! I found the lost colonists, Effiny. I found them, and now Danais knows!" he shouted, sick of the patronizing and the games. "Stars, he's probably suspected all along. How he knows, I've no idea. But they exist, and are more than ready to claim the surface."

            "You found the lost colonists," she repeated, apparently the only words she'd heard in his entire rant. She sat back in her chair, looking as if the wind was knocked out of her. "I must speak with Taltos. This is...The Clan will need to discuss."

            "This isn't up for discussion. All we can do is make ourselves ready, and I for one am going to do everything in my power to make sure it happens."

            "I know you will, Porter. That's how you've always been." She smiled, the first since the conversation started. "Let me speak with Taltos. Then, we'll meet and decide on our next move. In the meantime, I suggest you continue on as normal. This is going to shake Eos to the core, so we must prepare for whatever the fallout might be."

            Without another word, Effiny signed off and left Porter staring at a blank screen. She hadn't even seemed surprised. Hadn't asked questions. Didn't want to discuss or hear his theories and opinions. Just wanted to speak with Taltos. Even Danais expressed more interest, even if it was hostile. It was like she already knew what he'd say. First Danais, now Effiny. Did everyone know his private business? What else was happening he wasn't aware of?

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