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            Abriel rushed past the High Pass genetics lab, barely pausing when she hit the land-bridge spanning the Lac du Triste run-off. The blasts had cracked the bridge, making the footing precarious. Didn't matter—Abriel threw herself heedlessly forward in her headlong dash.

"Hold on, Lieutenant!" Turney grabbed her around the waist before she tripped over her own feet and plunged into the icy depths. "Getting yourself killed won't help anyone!"

"Right. Sorry. Right." Her voice barely carrying over the punishing rush of water. Yes, he was right. Didn't mean she had time to listen.

She resumed scrambling over the last break in the land-bridge. Nyoko caught her again when she stumbled. A pang shot through her at the unexpected help. Oh Keko! Lost ancestors, why can't you be here?

After the bridge, it was a flat out run down the narrow tunnel connecting the High Pass lab to the Crescent basin. She was halfway there when thick smoke hit her.

"Filters!" she called, already fighting to get hers in place, knowing everyone was following her orders.

Finally, she was through the tunnel and gazing into the heart of the Crescent. She skidded to a bracing halt, arrested by the view.

"Oh hell," Turney whispered.

'Oh hell' was just about right.

"This is your home?" Gris asked from her left, voice low and disbelieving.

Abriel couldn't tear her eyes away from the sight. "Unfortunately, yes."

And what a sight it was.

Smoke wafted to the darkened roof of the Crescent and danced along the air, blackening everything. Its source was uncertain, but dozens of fires dotted the landscape. Some were small and easily handled. Yet they could see one raged with wild strength, cutting a destructive swath through the center and burning every wooden structure its flames could reach. Screams rose to meet them as helpless civies dashed about in panic.

"What happened?" Abriel breathed. She wanted to run down there and start doing something, but she had to assess the situation first. She had to figure out what actually needed doing.

"Looks like it's coming from around the CAB," Turney said.

"This can't be Braen's plan. Not to destroy the Crescent. That's insane," she said, then turned to Lymin. "You think Meshodi's responsible? Maybe put his own twist on things to save the moleboys, and this was the result?"

"Anything's possible, but he would never want to ruin anything he hoped to conquer."

"Where's de Goa? What's she doing?" she asked

"Nyoko says she doesn't know," Turney said after a moment. "Haru isn't answering. All she's getting in pain, so she's blocking him."

Abriel took a breath. Bad. Very bad. "What about Davenport?"


"Van Andel?"

"Nothing." Turney's voice shook.

Fear blossomed hard throughout her chest and began its spread throughout her body, making everything in her quake. "Anything from anyone?"

"Nyoko says she's got Peke and Dabi, meaning Howard and Novak are still active. They're close to the fire," Turney relayed. "Dabi says the floor is broken."

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