Glynda approaches from behind Cardin, who clutches his ribs.

Glynda: "And that's the match."

Cardin: "Lucky shot." Cardin collapses.

Allen: 'There no doubt to why people calls her Ms. Invincible by most. She just isn't good; her reaction speed far surpasses that of a normal fighter. And it seems she has only gotten better since our spar. Heh, Pyrrha you continue to surprise me. Quick, knows how to play a defense role, a support role, and offense, even when outnumbered she doesn't crack under pressure and she is still a deadly fighter...even if it is against a group of jokers. Still she deserves her credit.'

Glynda: "Well done, Miss Nikos. You should have no problem qualifying for the tournament."

Pyrrha: "Thank you, professor."

Glynda: *Tapping her Scroll.* "Alright, now I know that's a tough act to follow, but we have time for one more sparring match." Glynda looks around at the observing students. "Any volunteers? Ms. Belladonna?" Blake slams her book shut and stares wide-eyed at Glynda. "You've been rather docile for the past few classes. Why don't you -"

Mercury raises his hand.

Mercury: "I'll do it."

Glynda: "Mercury, is it? Very well, let's find you an opponent."

Mercury: "Actually, I wanna fight... her." Mercury points to Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "Me?"

Glynda: "I'm afraid Miss Nikos has just finished the match. I recommend you choose another partner."

Pyrrha: "No, it's fine!-"

Allen: "Actually, I wouldn't mind fighting him." Allen raises her hand. He looked over at Mercury, who looked surprised.

Glynda: "Ah Mister King, you sure you fought last class and just like Miss Nikos I see no problem with you qualifying for the tournament."

Allen: *begin to stretch his arms* "It's fine, I need to stay loose, after nearly getting my ribs cracked by Silva in our last spar."

Silva: "You had it coming."

Allen: "I still won, and maybe a little I did."

Glynda: "*sigh* Alright, Mercury, Allen both of you make your way down to the arena."

Allen makes his way down and walks to the locker room to get his weapon. As he came out, he ran into Pyrrha.

Pyrrha: "You know I don't mind fighting, my aura is still above 90%."

Allen: "It's ok, Pyrrha...beside...." He looks past her and looks at Mercury and sees him smirking. "Something about this guy and his group of friends urk me the wrong way. I also need to know his last name? Could he be one of the people Frank warned me about? There is no way they got into this school."

Pyrrha: "*sigh* Alright best of luck, I'll be rooting for you."

Allen: "Heheh, thanks Pyrrha."

Allen gets to the arena and sees Mercury is in a fighting stance. Allen looked around him a bit and raised an eyebrow. As he is about to pull out his bow, he stops himself and puts his fist up in a fighting stance. Mercury raises an eyebrow at this.

Mercury: "No weapon?"

Allen: "I can say the same about you...Mercury."

Mercury: "Heh, I guess the rumor about you being too cocky for your own good must be true."

Allen: "No... I'm not cocky...I just don't pull my weapon out for those I don't see worthy." Allen smiled.

Mercury gets ticked off and rushes in, bringing his foot down to which Allen dodge. Mercury goes for a quick one-two punch, but Allen dodges but punches, then does a kick to Mercury to stagger him, and as he gets his senses back, Allen gives him a right hook, then a knee to the stomach, and another punch to the face.

RWBY Story The Black Rose (OC x Ruby Rose) (Vol 1-Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя