Episode 8

375 7 73

What?! An extra chapter for this book. Yep, I had most this done so I thought what the heck let get release the chapter and episode of this story.


Ruby: *falling right towards them, finally getting Yang's attention* "Heads uuuuuuuup!"

Just as she's about to hit the ground panicking, Jaune Arc comes flying through the air and crashes into Ruby, knocking her off course and sending them both into a tree to the left.

Allen: "Ouch, that gotta hurt."

Blake: "Did your sister just fall from the sky?"

Yang: "I..."

Just then, they all look at the forest from the incoming noise and see Henry and Emelie running for their lives with an Alpha Wolf Grimm chancing them.

Silva: "EMELIE!?!"


Henry: "Alright you damn mutt! Time for you to SIT!" *Henry quickly turned around and jammed his spear in the ground. The beowolf came to a stop and began to be pushed into the ground. He jumped back to catch up to Emelie.*

Emelie: *out of breath* "H...Henry...what..what was that?"

Henry: "Hmm? Oh you mean my semblance, which is Gravity."

Emelie: *smile and fist bump him, which he does that back*

Blake: "Did they just run here with an Alpha Beowolf on their tail?

Yang: "I...."

Before she can continue, several crashing noises are heard in the forest ahead of them, and an Ursa comes out, claws swiping, just as a pink blast of energy hits it in the back, and it crashes to the ground, depositing its rider.

Nora: "YEEEE-HAAAAW!" *rolls off of the creature's back, then gets up and groans, saddened* "Awwww... It's broken." *she dashes onto its neck and observes the carcass as Ren comes up behind her*

Ren: *panting and leaning on the monster* "Nora! Please... Don't ever do that again." *he looks up again and notices by the pink dotted outline of where his partner should be that Nora has run off again and looks around frantically*

Nora: *now in the Temple, staring at a golden rook relic* "Oooohh..." *suddenly grabs it, an animation of stars and her hammer symbol playing in the pink background as she dances and sings with the chess piece* "I'm queen of the castle! I'm queen of the castle!"

Ren: "Nora!"

Nora: "Coming, Ren!"

Blake: "Did that girl just ride in on an Ursa?"

Yang: "I..."

She is interrupted once more as a screech is heard from their right, and Pyrrha Nikos comes onto the scene as the scorpion creature uproots entire trees in its chase after her. Pyrrha narrowly dodges its giant claws and keeps on running.

Pyrrha: "Jaune!"

Jaune: Pyrrha!

Ruby: *standing up, looking at the monster below* "Whoa!" *she starts running off of the branch and landing in a roll*

Jaune: "*whining* Ruby!"

Yang: *as Ruby stands up, back on the ground* "Ruby!"

Ruby: *excited* "Yang!" *raises her arms as if to give her sister a hug*

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