Episode 14

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Time for the next episode!


Everyone was gathering sap for their team, and Allen was off at a tree alone. Henry walked over to him and kneeled down next to him.

Henry: "So? What is this about a weakling staying under the strong?"

Allen: "I see someone was listening in. Well, it's just like I say Jaune is someone who was born in the category of he had to work to get better. Jaune may be an idiot but he has flashes so someone like Cardin who tries to pick on the weak will soon fall into the weak and Jaune will surpass. That's just how most weak people have to see things, they just have to work twice as hard to surpass those who are currently stronger than them."

Henry: "Hmmm?" *Henry begins to think* "Does this thought process of his have something to do with his late night training?"

Allen: *grips the jar* "So, how much did Silva tell y'all?"

Henry: "Nothing really, all she told us was you go out and train and last night wasn't your first time clearly."

Allen: "*sigh* I don't want to lose not a single one of y'all."

Henry: "Huh?"

Allen: "Henry, before I came to Beacon I was alone. I didn't really have bonds with anyone like them. I was all I had and for a while that was my thought process. By the time I could remember my parents were dead. I was defending for myself, and before I knew it I was fighting for myself. I knew nothing about Bonds or family" *smile* "But since I got here you and everyone else. Growing and learning things with y'all, laughing with everyone, joking with everyone, and to know you all have my back just like I have y'all it something I don't want to lose."

Henry: *smile* "You know you're a great leader. I wouldn't want it any other way."

Allen: "Hmmmm....nope." They both laugh.

Just then, a roar of the giant Ursa is heard by the group.

Russel: Looking back, "Ursa! Ursa!" he runs into Yang, accidentally

Yang: "What?!" utterly unfazed by his collision, she picks him up by the front of his shirt. "Where?"

Russel: Struggling and still running, but points back from where they came. "Back there! It's got Cardin!"

Allen: "Oh thank god it look like I won't have to kill the bastard-"

Pyrrha: Dropping her jar of sap, "Jaune!"

Allen: "SHIT!"

Ruby: going into leader mode "Yang! You and Blake, go get Professor Goodwitch!" dropping Russel, Yang and Blake nod before following the orders.

Pyrrha: To Lie Ren and Nora Valkyrie as she and Ruby activate their weapons. "You two, go with them! There could be more!"

Allen: Toward Silva, Emelie, and Henry "You three round up Cardin teams and make sure no other grimm gets near none of them!" They nodded.

Pyrrha: She, Ruby, Weiss, and Allen come on to the scene. "Oh, no!"

Allen: 'kill the fucker!'

They watch as the Ursa leans over the helpless victim, raising its paw and swiping it down... only to be blocked by Jaune's shield, Crocea Mors. He struggles to defend a stunned Cardin from its attempts to lean on him, but Weiss lifts Myrtenaster as she prepares to help.

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