Chapter 5: Bloodthirsty Shadows

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Prince Eis

A few hours later...

"Eis opened his eyes, his body aching dully with pain, he groaned softly and slowly got to his feet, his eyes widening to take in the moonlight coming through the windows. Darkness lurked in every corner, and he was certain that something would jump out to kill him.

"It wouldn't be the first time that the shadows came alive to slaughter him.

"He quietly stalked over to the feasting table, a filet of Sleet Salmon appearing on the lonesome plate, he greedily took it, his teeth ripping through the sweet blue flesh. He ate the fish, savoring every bite; he remembered having this on his fifth hatching day...

"It was also a day he wished to forget, everything changed that day, and he wished he could go back to fix it.

"'Why did they take them from me...?' he whispered, his talons digging into the table. "Why?"

"Eis got himself under control, taking in a deep breath, but couldn't help but feel something shift in the atmosphere.

"An all-too-familiar shiver ran up and down his spine, he growled, knowing just what dared stalk him inside his Palace. "Come on out, beast..." he chuckled dangerously, "I dare you–"

"A piercing scream hit his ears, and he swirled his head towards the blood-chilling noise, running for whoever was in trouble.

"He knew running blindly towards a scream was probably a horrible idea, but something just whispered in the back of his mind, 'save them!'

"Eis bolted from beyond the Throne room's thick doors, the feeling of a thousand eyes upon him, a sour taste forming in the back of his throat. 'It's coming from the library!' Eis realized, skidding to a stop at one of the few doors lining the grand hallway, he yanked it open...

"He gasped, a sky-blue HallowFrost Dragon was battling back one of those black beings in the middle of the library, amethyst blood staining the silver carpet and bookshelves were toppled over. The thing had her pinned to the floor, its talons buried deep in her chest...

"'her... no...' Eis felt her name form on his tongue, and as he bolted for her, he felt a mysterious force holding him back, like shackles chaining him in his place.

""Cryo! CRYO!" He roared, hot tears burning in his violet eyes, he desperately wanted to save her, and yet he couldn't...


"Hey! Eis!" She exclaimed, and the prince lurched awake, his teary violet eyes gazing into the ocean-blue pools of Cryo's, she looked worried.

"Oh, you're alright!" He yelped, smiling at the fact that she wasn't dead, none of her blood was spilled...

"What kind of nightmare were you having? You were twitching, then sleepwalking... you screamed my name, and now I would like some answers." CryoFangs said with a hint of concern in her voice; he blinked his tears away and watched Cryo stand up, holding out her talon for him to grab.

Eis hastily excepted the help, and that's when he realized where he was. The library door was closed, and the Throne room doors were wide open... 'did I really sleepwalk here? I guess so...'

He felt his neck spikes shaking slightly, he calmed himself and coughed harshly, hearing that ugly rattling in his chest made him cringe.

He decided not to tell her about the start of his dream as they walked back, it wasn't important. "I felt something, and a chill went down my spine. Then, I heard you scream, it was coming from the library," he turned around and pointed to the door closest to him on his left. 

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