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good luck today! i'll pick you up at like 1ish?
11.17 am

you don't have to, i can get someone to drop me off, 1am is hella early for you💀💀
11.23 am

you know, i'm the only one who has a healthy sleep schedule🙄 but nah it's fine, plus i wanna see nat and charlie😏
11.27 am

of course you do. okay, i'll see you then, snd thanks.
11.30 am

no problem, just make sure to send me pictures of everything you dooooo
12.02 pm

that's more noah's lane💆🏻‍♂️
2.18 pm

shit, knew i should've choose noah over you🙄
2.20 pm

a. h. a. h. a.
2.22 pm

love uuuuuu <33
2.41 pm

2.41 pm


just come onto set, i might be a couple of minutes late
12.49 am

ughhh, fine😏😏
12.50 am

12.53 am


valerie got out of her car, grunting as she slammed the door shut, walking through the set, "helloooo?" she called out. "finnyboy." she whispered as she held out her flashlight before someone jumped her back.

"i have pepper-spray!" she shouted out as charlie and joe k laughed at her. "i hate you. i hate you so much." she hit the familiar faces before giving them a hug.

"how's the emmy-award winner doing?" joe asked as he wrapped his arm around her, smiling as charlie did the same, walking towards the set.

"i didn't win an emmy?" she asked and she rolled his eyes. "oh. she's good." they laughed as they caught up, talking about work, and their girlfriends, along with making fun of val for never dating.

"val!" natalia chuckled as she ran up and gave her a hug, immediately valerie hugged her back, as finn flipped up his middle finger at her, returning the gesture. "what are you doing here? it's like 1 am."

"i'm on carpool duty." she leant against the wall as they looked over the scene they had just shot. "i missed you all." she laid her head on natalia's shoulder as finn walked towards them.

"get off my sister." he chucked his bag at his friend, val grunting as she caught it. "i'm ready, let's go." he shouted as he walked towards the door.

"this kid. serious ego problems." she shouted back at him as she looked around. "damn, this season is big huh?"

"and long." charlie said ti her. "so very, very long." joe fell to the floor, making them all chuckle. val looked as someone walked over, he was wearing a jean jacket, and a shirt which read 'hellfire.'

finn walked over and grabbed vals wrist. "nuh-uh." he dragged her towards the door as she looked at the tall man, his long dark hair covering his face. "see ya later joe, you killed it." he told him.

"thanks mate!" he waved, his british accent strong, val still staring, practically foaming at the mouth as he smiled and waved. before she knew it she was outside. 

"finnley! who was that? you're such a cock-block." she groaned and she got in the car, starting it, as he crawled into the backseat, laying down.

"joe. and i told you he's off limits, you're not allowed to date any of my co-workers." he said bluntly, using her jacket as a pillow. "now drive peasant." he told her.

planted the seed😏
how did y'all like s4?? i liked it
but... why they have to break my
heart like dat

𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 ; 𝗷.𝗾𝘂𝗶𝗻𝗻Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora