"Full speed, Obi-Wan," Qui-Gon said calmly, and Alexana swallowed heavily, clenching her hands into fists in her lap once more.

Breathing in through her nose and out through her mouth, Alexana frowned before an idea popped into her head. Placing her left hand on the side of the ship next to her, Alexana continued to breathe deeply before she felt her abilities kicking in. But something was different this time. Frowning as she focused on it, Alexana realised what it was, and she took advantage of it as quickly as she could. Sending out a gentle wave of energy, Alexana tried to get the sea beast to let go of the bongo. Swallowing heavily, Alexana focused on making sure that the creature let go of the bongo as Obi-Wan put more speed in the bongo. Feeling the creature slowly let go of the bongo before letting go of it entire as another, bigger creature came and clamped its jaws around the creature that had bitten onto the ship, freeing them. Immediately, Obi-Wan surged the bongo forward and Qui-Gon glanced over his shoulder at the creature as it was eaten by another one.

"There is always a bigger fish," he said calmly as he turned back around.

Alexana gently pulled her hand away from the side of the ship and placed her hand back on her knee. Even more slowly, Alexana opened her eyes, making sure that the glow in them had disappeared before she could open them again. Though both Jedi knew about her abilities, Alexana still tried not to use them too much as it was rather obvious to everyone else that something wasn't normal about her. Either by Jedi standards or society's standards. When she did open her eyes fully and looked over at Qui-Gon when she felt his eyes on her, her own had returned to their normal purple colouring. Giving her a questioning look, Qui-Gon looked at her for a moment. Swallowing heavily, Alexana gave a shake of her head before she looked ahead of them again as Obi-Wan guided the bongo through the water.

Obi-Wan continued to guide the bongo through the water as they sat in silence. They travelled along for a while before the lights inside the cockpit and where Qui-Gon and Alexana sat began to flickered and then went off. Immediately, the emergency life-support flickered to life and Alexana tensed up again as Qui-Gon reached over and lightly placed a hand on her arm.

"We're loosing power," Obi-Wan said before he pulled a panel off the spot between him and Jar Jar and began to work on getting the power back.

"Wesa gonna die in here," Jar Jar said as he whimpered.

"Stay calm. We aren't in trouble yet," Qui-Gon said as he pulled his hand away from Alexana's arm as Jar Jar turned to face him.

"What yet?! Monstairs out there. Leakin' in here. All sinkin' and no power! When yousa tink wesa in trouble?!" Jar Jar exclaimed as the lights flickered back on and the bongo came back to life.

"Power's back," Obi-Wan said as he sat back up and Alexana sighed before she tensed up when they all saw an even larger creature right outside the front of the bongo.

"Monstairs back!" Jar Jar exclaimed, pointing it out.

Obi-Wan immediately pulled the controls for the bongo towards him, directing it up and over the creature as it snapped at the bongo. Straight after the bongo flew over it, the creature turned around and began to swim after them, snapping at the bongo every time it got close enough.

"Wesa in trouble now!" Jar Jar cried out and Qui-Gon reached out quickly, and Alexana felt the usual energetic swirl of energy from the Force and the next thing she knew, Jar Jar went limp in his seat. Glancing over, Obi-Wan sighed.

"You overdid it," he said as he twitched the controls and turned it off to the right.

As they flew through the tunnel they had just entered before exiting it, they saw an even bigger creature before them. Squeaking in surprise unconsciously, Alexana clapped a hand over her mouth as Obi-Wan pulled the controls towards him once more and they flew over the top of the larger creature...Just as it clamped down on the one chasing them. Alexana let out a breath as she removed her hand from over her mouth before she sighed and shook her head at herself.

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