In all the beatings he had copped from his dad never ever had he been in this much pain before the pain of the beating pain didn't even compare to the hole left in his heart

Around 5pm Mandy walked through the door with some guy laughing and as soon as she saw Mickey her eyes grew wider then ever

"Get the fuck out" She said to the guy behind her

"What?" The guy replied in a sluggish tone clearly off his head on weed

"I said get the fuck out!" She replied and pushed him out the door

Mickeys ears had only stopped ringing 2 hours after Ian and Terry had left

"Mickey what the fuck happened!?" She was clearly very panicked

Mandy had never seen Mickey in such a state usually he had been able to get himself together before any of his sibling got home and cover his face in dirt so that no one could see the bruises

Mickey opened his mouth a few times and nothing came out mainly because his throat was so dry and two because what was he supposed to say Mandy didn't know he was gay so how was he supposed to explain it

Mandy ran to the kitchen and grabbed a cup of water and held it for Mickey to drink somehow he regained his movement and pushed her hand away slowly which was even more worrying for Mandy because mickeys never gentle

"Mickey fucking drink"

And she held the cup up again and Mickey caved and drank from it

"I'm not a fucking baby" he whispered it was the only thing that came out

Mandy put her arm underneath his and lifted him up and dragged him to the bathroom and slowly made him sit on the toilet while she got a rag and wet it

Mickey couldn't hold himself up a second after she put him there and fell back against the wall while still sitting there the thud made him see spots and he closed his eyes

"Mickey? Hey Mickey!"

He heard yelling in the back of his head and opened his eyes to find him on his bed

Slowly he looked up to see Mandy with an empty cup of water in her hand which supposedly she dumped on him he lifted a hand and felt his head it was wet he checked his fingers to find it all blood and not water

He groaned which was the only sound he made that wasn't a swear word for the first time in the last few years

"What happened" he said tiredly

"You tell me assface! You passed out five seconds ago from a tiny knock to the head! I've never seen you this bad before now tell me what the fuck happened Mickey!"

It was clear Mandy was worried she never rambled on like that to him before about himself

"Mandy don't worry about it"
He said while rubbing his eyes which hurt more than ever before

"Stay here and don't stand up I think you've had a concussion and I don't want that to happen again"
And with that she left and he heard the front door open

He went to close his mouth and a shooting pain went up his jaw to his ear

And even that hurt a lot

He tried opening his mouth and the same shooting pain went up he touched his jaw and it felt extremely crooked

Not even 10 minutes later Mandy came back in with a med kit from Veronica he was guessing she was the neighbours to the Gallaghers

Mickey/Ian One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now