Chapter 140

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140: Qualifications to be the Owner

<<After Juliet's Death>> play was ongoing. Backstage.

Chen Shuang He made a phone call a few more times, all of them rang for a long time. He turned around and told Shi Zhong Tang, "It's not working, she's not picking up."

Shi Zhong Tang did not say anything, he looked a little reticent.

"Why not..." Chen Shuang He hesitated for a moment before he said, "you go to look for her?"

At this time, the sound of the gavel rang out from the stage, the dignified voice called out, "Plaintiff, the soul of Romeo! Take the stand!"

"Let's go." Chen Shuang He gave Shi Zhong Tang a pat on his back. Then, amidst the applause of the audience, he slowly walked to the stage.

He was wearing a white suit, his face too was painted in snow white color, only his chest was red. It represented his state as a spirit, the cause of death was a knife to his chest.

The applause gradually stopped. He stood at the plaintiff seat, looking at the dock from a distance.

Qu Yan stood at the dock. Behind him...stood a true spirit.

"Romeo," the dignified voice asked, "do you still recognise the man in front of you?"

"...Murderer!" Chen Shuang He pointed at Qu Yan. "You are the murderer who killed me!"

"You are also the murderer!" Qu Yan slammed the table with both his hands and roared at him in rage, "The murderer who killed my daughter!"

The two of them started hurling abuses at each other, the hitting sound of the gavel rang out repeatedly. "Silence! Silence! Romeo, state the cause of your death!"

"The cause of my death is..." Chen Shuang He's eyes shifted away from Qu Yan uncontrollably, shifting onto Boss Qu who was behind him, his voice paused. He abruptly remembered that he was (still) on stage, frantically continuing, "A stab to my heart, by him, using a knife..."

Boss Qu walked past Qu Yan, walking towards Chen Shuang He step by step.

Both his arms hung by his sides naturally, he was not holding a knife. But even without a knife, he was still a very dangerous person. As he walked closer, Chen Shuang He's heart beat faster, he could not help but take a step back.

...No, he could not retreat. <<After Juliet's Death>> was already his last chance, he definitely could not get off the stage under the watchful eyes of the audience.

Besides, didn't Shi Zhong Tang say that although the doorman could mess up his life, he could not kill him...

"Did Shi Zhong Tang tell you that I wouldn't dare kill you?" Boss Qu stood still in front of Chen Shuang He and laughed.

Chen Shuang He was flabbergasted.

"I just didn't want to do it too early." As Boss Qu finished, he swiftly reached out and grabbed Chen Shuang He's neck, laughing coldly. "Now, I am done admiring your penniless and miserable look...I can send you on your way."

Cries rang out from the audience below the stage. They could not see Boss Qu, so what they saw was Chen Shuang He—as if he had triggered some kind of sickness—his neck was all straightened up, both his hands were tearing at his neck.

"Enough." A knife was suddenly lodged in Boss Qu's neck. He coughed once, loosened his grip uncontrollably and took a step back. He glared at the newcomer. "Shi Zhong Tang..."

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