Chapter 51

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51: Kissing Scene

"Shi Tou's specialty is not acting," Director Shi said, "it's guiding actors."

There was no one else around them. Director Shi looked at the young man who was trapped in his own talent in front of him, he planned to use this chance to wake the other up.

"You're not as good as him at this." Director Shi said, "You are always chasing your so-called perfect actress. The perfect person does not exist in this world. Could you not use more of your thoughts to do something a director should do? For example, giving guidance to the actors?"

Chen Guan Chao's face twitched, he refused to face the facts. "I have guided them..."

"'This sucks', 'redo', 'change the actor', this is how you guide them? Haha." Director Shi slapped his belly once as he laughed, his belly made a bam as it was slapped.

Chen Guan Chao's face gradually turned red.

"We are directors, not decorations. Guiding the actors is also part of our job." Director Shi collected himself and looked at Chen Guan Chao seriously. "Let's take You Ling as an example. If it were up to you, how would you tell her to portray today's scene?"

Chen Guan Chao looked down and thought about it. After a while he looked up and said, "I will first go over the lines with her, then pinpoint how she should act in certain parts, tell her what kind of feelings and expressions I want her to portray."

There were film buffs in the world, there were also directing buffs. He quickly forgot everything around him and entered a world of his own. He took out the script he would always have with him, writing and drawing on it as he read through it.

First he wrote weary beside the line: 'This wall is too dirty, you are not allowed to hang me on it.'

"First you have to portray the weariness." Chen Guan Chao muttered as he wrote, "She was not complaining about the place, she was complaining about the male lead, she wanted to break up with him."

Next, he underlined the thought monologue: 'He would be better off dead, she would be free if he died'.

"Then you portray hate." Chen Guan Chao muttered as he underlined the line, "The male lead is but a lonely gigolo to her, yet this plaything dares to force her, command her, even threaten her. She had never endured such humiliation, she wished that he would die."

His vision went down the script as his pen followed, he pointed at Princess Ling Shan's 'Get up'.

"Is this concern or love?" He furrowed his brow, scrawled and corrected himself for a while, hesitated for a long time before concluding, "It should be concern, she was not sure what her intentions were."

He got to the end of the scene, where Princess Ling Shan looked at the injured male lead with a complicated expression. Chen Guan Chao breathed a sigh of relief as he wrote love beside it, then showed the script that was full of his notes to Director Shi and smiled. "That should be it, you won't go wrong if you act according to how it is written here."

Director Shi sniggered, "You are theoretically correct, but not all actors would be able to take this in."

The confident smile on Chen Guan Chao's face stiffened.

"Every actor is different. You can guide some actors beforehand, some actors will need to be guided as they go along, some actors require more guidance, some actors require less guidance. You will need to let them feel it out themselves." Director Shi smiled as he continued, "Take You Ling as an example. She is the type that requires less (initial) guidance and will take in guidance as she goes along."

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