Chapter 156

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156: Act Four

"How much did we donate to the village every year, huh? We don't need you to do anything else, we only need you to do one thing, yet you can't even do the one thing? Return my hard-earned money!"

"One month! I spent a whole month here! Give me an explanation!"

"That's right, give us an explanation!"

Feelings were running high, the audience seemed to want to tear the village chief apart, each one of them had the same question—where was the opera house?

"Calm down! Everyone, calm down!" The village chief slammed down forcefully with his cane. Relying on his remaining influence, he finally calmed down the emotions of the audience temporarily. He turned around to look at Ning Yu Ren and said, "Try again."

Ning Yu Ren tried again under his orders, but the result was the same—nothing appeared, nothing happened.

The crowd erupted again, this time more raucous than before. Not only did they start to hurl abuse at the village chief, even Ning Yu Ren and the other performers were also dragged into it.

"If she can't do it, then get someone else to do it!" One of the people pointed to the front and said, "Swap her in and try!"

Ning Ning who was being pointed at looked up.

A finger pointed at her, countless legs ran towards her, they did not care if she was willing, they dragged her out from behind the table in a flurry and pulled her towards the stage. One of them remembered the strange incident that had happened on stage, they looked left and right before saying anxiously, "Everyone, slow down, slow down. What if we annoyed Ning Qing? I feel that he is watching us nearby..."

Someone said with disdain, "When he was alive, we were not afraid of him, now that he's dead, should we be afraid of him?"

Ning Ning was pushed on stage.

A few middle-aged women took off the coat and mask from Ning Yu Ren and put them on Ning Ning again.

Ning Yu Ren rushed over. She attempted to tear the clothes off Ning Ning, but was forcefully pushed away. She took a few steps back, saying to the village chief as she trembled with anger, "Didn't we previously agree to let me dance in her stead?"

"You can see it yourself." The village chief glanced at the audience that had lost their heads, sighing. "It doesn't matter what we say now, what matters is what they say."

The influence that the village chief and other masked people had was based on successfully performing <<Life Opera House>>.

Ning Ning's accidents, Ning Yu Ren mentioning Ning QIng—both had already caused a big impact on their influence, the straw that broke the camel's back was the failure of the performance.

After that, this group of people was out of control, just like their ancestors who had gone out of control.

Ning Ning looked at them. "What exactly do you want me to do?"

"We want to go to Life Opera House!" Countless voices answered together.

"Then go," Ning Ning laughed innocently, "no one is stopping you."

"But where is it?" A woman asked as she held her child tightly. "I cannot find it, I only know that it seems to have changed its name, it's called 'Life Theater' now."

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