Chapter 138

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138: Life Opera House

Although he called it a gimmick, Director Chen planned to perfect it.

He found specialists to design the costumes, he gave emergency summons to Li Shan Zhu who was having a holiday—he was now locked up, using his blood, sweat, and tears to write a script. Once the script was issued, they were given to a few actors to rehearse in thirty days.

Ning Ning did not have much of a role, after the arrangements were done, Director Chen had not taken a few steps out of the door before Ning Ning caught up to him from behind. "Director Chen, you have not told me who decorated the theater. I won't hide it from you, I've been renovating my house recently, I really like this style..."

Getting hounded by her, Director Chen had no choice, he could only give her an address.

It was really someone he knew well. Not only did Director Chen know the person well, Ning Ning too knew the person well.

She pressed the doorbell, a middle-aged woman wearing a black cheongsam answered the door. Her voice was vigorous and full of a man's charm. "You are?"

"Cro..." The words Cross-dresser Li almost escaped her mouth. "Teacher Li hello, I am a friend of Director Chen, Zhao Yu Fen."

"Oh, it's you." The world famous cross-dressing makeup artist let her in. He held his tea set with orchid fingers. "Old Chen has already greeted you like red tea or green tea?"

"Green tea, thank you."

Green-coloured longjing tea1 was served, Teacher Li sat down in front of Ning Ning. "I am not a professional designer, if you want to renovate your house, I might not be much help..."

"Teacher Li." Ning Ning asked directly, "Have you been to Life Theater?"

After she finished speaking, she stared at his face intently.

If he had never been to Life Theater, he would have a puzzled expression upon hearing the name, but if he had...

The amiable business smile disappeared from Teacher Li's face, he had his eyes fixed on Ning Ning.

"You've been there." Ning Ning said with surety.

"No, my lover has been there." Teacher Li got up and returned to his bedroom. When he came back, he was holding a folder full of information.

The folder was opened on the table. On the first page was a drawing. In the pitch black night, at the entrance of a very old-styled movie theater, there hung two long strings of white lanterns, the lanterns illuminated the words on the plaque: 'Life Theater'.

"Since you mentioned that name, I guessed that you're the same as my lover, you've entered that place." Teacher Li suddenly thought of something and laughed in spite of himself. "No wonder Old Chen said that your acting skills have improved in leaps and bounds."

Ning Ning flipped through the folder in front of her. Initially, she flipped it page by page. Her hand froze all of a sudden, she quickly flipped it back a few pages, to a specific page in the folder.

There were no words written on that page, there were a few photos pasted instead, two of which had words on them. One of them had a drawing, an ancient painting. The picture was similar to 'Along the River During the Qingming Festival'2 painting. There was heavy traffic on the streets, pedestrians followed one another, the streets were littered with many shops, black tiles and white walls, plaques hanging above doors, the place looked bustling at a glance. Only after flipping through a few pages and coming back to it did she realise that there was a teahouse amidst the shops.

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