"Huff, huff, huff..." She brushed past the masked people one by one, frantically running on the red carpet in the black passageway. Upon seeing a person leaning on the wall in front of her, she stopped in her tracks.

The entrance was right there, there was a crack in the doorway. A ray of light was shining through the crack, illuminating Shi Zhong Tang's jade mask. The mask had a mild and soft halo of light on it, like sunlight which warmed the jade stone of the indigo mountain, causing thin curls of smoke to rise.1

He did not go into the projector room, he had been leaning on the wall quietly instead as he waited for her to come out.

"Life Theater gave us a chance to change the past, this is the price we pay." Shi Zhong Tang laughed as he pressed down on his chest. "Our body had been taken away by the theater."

Ning Ning looked at him as he approached her and brought her into his arms.

"The thing that is hugging you right now, is it actually flesh and blood? Or is it a reel of tape? A series of numbers? Or a ray of light from a projector? Actually, I'm not sure myself." Shi Zhong Tang pressed her head onto his chest. Although he was laughing, his laughter had a trace of frailty. "Listen, is my heart still beating? Tell me, am I still alive?"

Ning Ning tried her best to place her ear as close to his chest as possible.

The theater was dead silent, his chest was dead silent.

"It is..." Ning Ning hugged him tightly, she said quietly, "You are still alive."

"Ah, yes, I am still alive." Shi Zhong Tang seemed to have believed her and cheered up. He rubbed her hair and closed his eyes, "I...want to live."

The poster by the entrance swayed in the wind.

Title: <<Big Brother's Lover>>

Starring: Zhang Xin Ai, Ning Ning

The movie had ended. What the poster looked like before was what the poster looked like now, there was not a trace of change. A few passersby chatted and laughed as they walked past. No one noticed the old poster on the wall, no one noticed the once popular actress on the poster. One of them tossed a beer can behind them, the can fell parabolically and rolled underneath the poster.

The discarded beer can, the discarded actress, both of them were submerged in the river of time as they were forgotten by everyone.

After returning from Life Theater, Ning Ning almost collapsed on the bed as she laid down. She was too tired—not physically tired, she was mentally drained. Acting in the same scene for three hundred and sixty-three times with no breaks in between, by the end, it was not acting anymore, it was torture instead...

She was probably woken up by hunger. She held her stomach that was having spasms as she opened the refrigerator. She took out a tomato and viciously took a bite out of it, the cold flesh went into her stomach. She shivered once then turned around and put the tomato in a sink, letting water run on it for a while so as to let its temperature return to normal before she ate it bite by bite.

As she was eating the tomato, she charged her phone and switched it on. She had long expected that she would have a ton of missed calls, but what she did not expect was that the one who called her the most was not her manager Li Bo Yue, but Chen Shuang He. That was strange, why was he looking for her? Was he still hung up over going over the script in a hotel room?

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