Chapter 8: Shopping🛍

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Eid Mubarak fam❤️🌈Allah ya maimaita mana🤲🏼

Rimi,Katsina state,Nigeria.
3days later.

"No! Anayah ki bar kayan nan".Said Ihsan
"Okay! Lemme remove my results". Said Anayah smiling.
"Result kuma? Result din me?" Ihsan asked confused.
"Ehh! My WAEC and NECO result". Anayah answered her.

"Let me see" Anayah passed the half teared envelope to her.
Ihsan collected it and go through it.
Wow! Anayah Mashaa Allah. You really tried gaskiya. 8 distinctions in NECO and 9 distinctions in WAEC.
My intelligent sister Ihsan said jumping.
Lemme show Ammiey and yaya adnan.

"Ammiey! Yaya adnan zo ku gani". Ihsan said entering their mom's living room.
"Mae zamu gani?" Ammiey asked.
"Just collect it". Ihsan said.
Okay! Give it to adnan let me finish checking these laces. Ammeiy said.
Okay! Yaya adnan gashi.

Yaya adnan collected it and checked.
Kaii! Wannan results din Anayah neh? He asked.
Ehh! Ya adnan na tane.
"Kai gaskiya tana da kokari.. Ammiey duba fah".Ya adnan said.
"Mashaa Allah my intelligent child". Ammiey said.
"Call her for me". Ammiey said

"Anayah Ammiey is calling you". Ihsan said
Tohm! Anayah said carrying her veil.

"Assalamu alaykum! Ammiey and ya adnan Sannu da huta wa". Anayah said
Yauwa Sannu Anayah! Ammiey and Yaya adnan replied in unison.

Ashe Kinyi WAEC? Ammeiy asked
Yes Ammiey! Anayah said bowing down her head.
Okay what do you want to study? Yaya adnan asked.
"Law". She said smiling.

Okay! Bari Idan daddy ya dawo daga business trip. I will talk to him about it Inshaa Allah.Ammeiy said.
"Nagode Sosai Ammiey". Anayah said hugging her.
Don't mention baby. Ammeiy said
Kinyi JAMB neh? Yaya adnan asked.
Ehh! I scored 220. Anayah replied him
Wow! So our baby sister is so intelligent. Yaya adnan said.

Yaya why not we go for shopping. Ihsan said
Yes please adnan you should take them to shopping I want Anayah to buy new clothes.

"Okay. You have only ten minutes to get ready" . Yaya adnan said.

Anayah let's go and get ready. Ihsan said

The girls were both wearing an abaya with a little makeup.
Wow! My princesses you look so beautiful. Said ammiey.
Thank you Ammiey. They both replied in unison.
They walked out and saw Yaya adnan waiting for them. They entered yaya adnan's SUV and drove away.

Ihsan ga ATM card dina. Ya adnan said
When you are done you should call me.
Okay Yaya.

They entered the supermarket and went straight to the clothes section. They bought different kind of clothes like jeans, shirts, hijabs, veils, materials, super wax, laces,Abayas, kimonos,gowns and undies.

They went to the provisions section and they bought shawarmas, pizzas, chocolates, candies, cupcakes and some girly stuffs.

They went to the accessories section and bought hand bags,clutches,wristwatches and jewelries.

Wayyo! Anayah naga ji sosai Wlh.
Shhh. Raguwa kawai. Anayah said laughing.
Allah the shopping bags are too much. Wai ina Yaya adnan din.....
Ihsan was cut off when Yaya adnan parked his car.

Kid sisters sorry I kept you waiting I went to Aisha's place neh.
Okay Yaya don't worry. How is our sister in-law? Anayah asked.
She's fine. Tana gaishe ku.
Muna amsawa.
He opened his car booth and they loaded the shopping bags.

Yaya adnan when is Yaya Hammad coming back? Ihsan asked.

This Yaya hammad is very special to them they always talked about him. Anayah thought.

One week to my wedding I think. Let me call him.

Hammad: hello ango to be what's up
Adnan: Nothing really how are you doing?
Hammad: Am good alhmdllh how's everyone?
Ihsan: Hey Yaya hammad I misshhhhh youuuuuu... we are all doing good alhmdllh! I can't wait to see you. Say Hi to my twiny Anayah she's so beautiful.
Anayah: Good evening.
Hammad: Evening how are you?
Anayah: Am fine Alhmdllh.
Hammad: Mashaa Allah.. Ihsan I missed you more princess. I will be back soon.
Adnan: okay bye will chat you up later I'm driving.
Hammad: okay bye my regards to amaryar mu. I also have a flight now to Dubai.
Adnan and Ihsan: bye take care.

Adnan parked his car in a phone store.
You girls should come down let's go. Yaya adnan said.
Okay they came down dragging their legs. They entered and yaya adnan asked them to give the girls the latest iPhone to choose.

I think I will carry this one. Anayah said touching the iPhone Xr.
No! Anayah you should carry this 12pro.
Ihsan didn't pick a new phone because daddy bought her a new iPhone13mini.

"Thank you so much Yaya adnan I really appreciate". Anayah said crying.
They have done a lot to me. Anayah thought.
Don't mention please I'm also your brother too.

Assalamu alaykum!
Wa'alaikummus salam! Ammiey and Aiman answered.
Sannu ammiey mun dawo.
Sannun ku.
Yaya Anayah and yaya Ihsan I have been waiting for you guys.
Come give us a hug baby bro.
My babies you should go and refreshen up,pray and come down and eat.
Okay ammiey. They replied her carrying the shopping bags.

Ammeiy abincin yayi dadi sosai. Anayah said
Dagaske? Ammeiy asked
Eh mana you will even teach me. Anayah said
Okay! Zaki ringa ma in-law dina kenan.
Chabddiii ammiey in-law kuma. Anayah said laughing.
Eh mana. Allah ya shiryeki. Ammeiy and Ihsan said laughing.

They are currently in ammiey's room choosing the clothes they will be wearing for their brother's wedding.

I think Ammiey this one is better koh Anayah? Ihsan asked.
"Yes. It's beautiful gaskiya" Anayah said
It is a peach lace with green flowers and stones they will be wearing it on yaya adnan's dinner.
Anayah you should choose the one that we will wear on kamu toh. Ihsan said.
Okay! Anayah said

Ammeiy kinga waya na. Anayah showed ammiey her new phone.
Iyyeh! Yayi kyau.


I will call the tailor tomorrow morning Inshaa Allah.
Goodnight Ammiey
The girls bade Ammiey goodnight and went back to their room.
They arranged the clothes they bought and stored the junks in their fridge.

Hey everyone🥂
Honestly you all aren't gingering me to write this book, Are you all enjoying this story at all??
Why are they no comments and votes?🤧🤧😭I'm not happy gaskiya🤧🤧
I think I will just delete it 🥺🚶🏽‍♀️

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