Chapter 6: The runaway bride😱

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The longer I live the more beautiful life becomes😌💕.

Enjoy 😉 the journey begins 💃🏻

Anayah peeped from behind the straw mat which was the door of her room. The moon was a perfect ball hanging inches above the leafy protrudes of the mango tree at the entrance of the compound. When Anayah was younger, she used to try plucked the golden ball from the sky with a stick and her mom will be like ba zaiyi bah and her mom will sat her down and explain the moon to her. That was long time ago. She sighed. Life has changed suddenly.

Anayah was waiting for the entire compound to fall asleep. It was the night that will decide her life. She had to get to that mango tree without being seen,only then she knew she would be free. She held the few pieces of clothing she possessed tightly and stepped gingerly into the moon~washed compound. By the time she reached the compound she was sweating In spite of the cool air. Everywhere was pretty dark and one could clearly hear the sound of the cringing birds.

It was a race against time, her scandal clad feet ran as fast as a ticking bomb. Her racing heart pounded panic through her veins. Time was of the essence she had to act soon or else her dreams would be dust.

Ohh Baba and mama! What will I do? She cried with labored breaths.
Oh my dear parents,I need you, she is set out to destroy me. She fell down on her knees on the dirty ground.

I have know one in this world who I can call my own,who can protect me except Allah. Why aren't you replying me? Whenever I needed you, you would always appear in my dreams and guide me but now you have left me to my wicked stepmom. She cried when she remembered her parents. May their gentle soul continue to Rest in jannatul firdaus. She prayed.

Anayah quickly stepped into the dirt track which lead to the rest of the world. She was on her way. Anayah knew her life was in danger she doesn't even know anybody in the city but she was ready to take the risk. She remembered the paper and money mama gave her and smiled. Alhamdulillah.
She stayed closed to hedge along the road,ready to dash for cover at the sight of any form, human or animal.
The moon proved a good companion staying constantly with her.
She trekked to the bus stop and she heard the adhaan of fajr prayer. She greeted an old man, the guard man of the bus stop. She told him where she was going and he told her to wait the buses will be ready by 6am.
She prayed and the old man gave her bread.she refused but he insisted her to collect.
The conductor asked her keh yarinya ina zaki?
Rimi..she replied.
Kudin motan ki dari bakwai(ur transport is 700 naira).
Okay enter but you have to wait sae mun gama lodi. The conductor replied her.
Toh! Shikenan.

She entered inside the bus and sat down by the window side.

One hour later.
The bus is filled and they were on their way she kept looking at trees and rocks until she drifted into a slumber.

Back in yarogel.
Inna checked everywhere but she couldn't find Anayah including their neighbors house, her best friend house and the river.

Inna entered batula's house and said keh Anayah ki fito ki wuce mu tafi gida.
Kiji min baiwar Allah,zan dauki Anayah In boye miki ita neh? Mama asked.
Yarinyar da bakiso, duk gari nan kowa yasan abunda kika yi ma yar nan. Said mama
Oho dai koma meye, Inna said she was afraid Alhaji dahiru Will come and asked for his money If he hear about his runaway bride.

Idan Banda mugunta da bakin hali taya zaki aura ma yarinya tsoho. Ai gashi nan yanzu kinja ta gudu. Wlh sae Allah ya saka mata. Mama said
Inna hissed and left the house.

She went to faddan Mai gari and started shedding crocodile tears.
Kaii this woman😹

I woke up and couldn't find my beloved daughter, oh my poor baby where are you? Please come back to me. Inna said

Haba talatu share hawanki daena kuka! Said waziri.
Toh! Toh yallabai
We will search for her inshaa Allah. Said waziri.
Toh! Nagode Allah ya ja kwana. Said Inna wiping her croc tears.
She went back home and continued pacing around thinking about Alhaji dahiru's money.
End of flashback
(A/N conversation in the village will be mixed both Hausa and English)

Toh anzo last bus stop( we have reached the last bus stop) kowa da kowa ya sauka( everyone should get down). Said the conductor
Anayah payed him the money and he gave her 300 naira change.

Dan Allah bawan Allah ina tambaya ina zan bi ya kai ni hanyar nan? She asked someone passing by.
He directed her, yauwa ki biwannan shortcut din kawai. He said
Toh nagode.
She followed the way she was directed,she gasped when she reached an uncompleted building na shiga uku. She said
She turned to leave the place but she saw the man that directed her to the place smiling wickedly at her. She hold her bag firmly and started running.
Habawa kafa mae naci ban baki bah🤣

She continued running until she reached the road side, he continued following her. He dragged her and said zo mu tafi gida.
Help! Help! Help she shouted
No! No I'm not going anywhere with you.
People started gathering in the place.
Bawan Allah ka kyale ta mana.. Someone said
Aa! Kanwa tace aljanu gare tah.
No! He's lying, Anayah said crying
I don't even know him. Lafiya ta qlau.. Anayah said wiping her tears.
The man was about to run when someone grabbed him.. they beat him black and blue and took him to the nearest police station.
She thanked them for saving her.(da yau ta gudu bata tsira bah).

She told them where she was going and someone boarded a tricycle for her. She showed him the paper and he took her to the house.

Hey everyone!
Like always I don't have anything to say, let's meet in the next chapter😉
You guys should follow me up please I promise to follow back🥺🥺
Don't forget to

I love you loads❤️🤧
Happy reading 📖


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