The New Transfer Student 1/2

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A couple months later, I was back on school property. I stood at the front gates, looking at the unfamiliar grounds in front of me. It felt like I haven't been here in so long, but in reality it has been only 8 weeks. I took a deep breath and walked into the school. Every one of my friends came running to me asking how I am now, what I've been doing, if I am completely clear now. All the ruckus came to an end when our homeroom teacher walked into the classroom. Everyone rushed to their assigned seats and got their notes out. When everyone was settled, our teacher congratulated me on my fast recovery and welcomed me back to school. I looked around bowing down at everyone clapping and giving thumbs up. My eyes landed on someone just staring out the window. Ha, of course he doesn't care, I scuffed before facing the front again.

After class my friends and I headed towards the cafeteria but stopped by at the principal's office first. I asked what we were doing here before being hushed by NiNa. She whispered saying that there was a transfer student coming in tomorrow. We all slowly snuck a peek inside the office and saw a tall guy wearing our uniform. My friends pulled me back and they started fangirling about how broad his shoulders are, and how sexy his back is. I shook my head and looked inside one more time. I recognize that back... but who was it? I shrugged before dragging my fangirl friends to the cafeteria. After we got our food and sat down at a table, someone "tripped" over my foot and fell down, causing their food to spill everywhere. I looked down at the girl just laying there screaming. I rolled my eyes and ignored her, continuing to eat the food.

3... 2... 1... I looked up and saw a hand come towards my face. I closed my eyes, expecting to feel some pain, but... nothing? I slowly opened my eyes and saw a figure standing in front of me, holding back the hand that was about to slap me. I put my utensils down and stood up, curious to see who saved me. Before I took a step, I heard a firm voice telling them to stop. I stood still, remembering hearing that voice from somewhere. They continued to firmly ask what she was doing causing an unnecessary scene in the cafeteria, where we were supposed to have fun and eat.

Everyone in the room sell silent.

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