"Behave yourselves."

I stand up and walk away. Axel follows behind me. We exchange a few words, hug, and go our separate ways. I make my way to the Gryffindor common room. That's where Harry and I kept our eggs. I've been pouring random things on the egg. I might as well pour the love potion on it. Maybe it'll be the answer.

I pour the potion on the egg and Harry comes in.

"Highly doubt it," he smirks.

"If it works I am not letting you hear the riddle," I threaten.

"Fine fine."

The twins walk in and stride over quicker when they notice Axel wasn't with me.

Fred walks over to the egg.

"I doubt the egg is going to tell you about the next task if you spray your perfume on it," he laughs.

My perfume?

"I was thinking some love would get it to open," I shrug.

Harry bumps my arm and drags me to a corner.

"He smelt you in the potion. Ash you have to admit he likes you," Harry whispers excitedly.

"Half the school smelt me, I'm attractive. Plus platonic soulmates exist," I laugh it off.

Harry and I walk back to the twins. Fred kisses the egg.

"FRED NO! What are you doing?" I yank the egg from him.

"You said you were going to give it love. So I gave it some love," Fred says.

"Do you feel any different?"

"I guess, not really though."

"I put a love potion on the egg. I haven't washed it out. Maybe it's delayed. We should get you to the infirmary," I drag Fred out.

"Love Potion? So if I-" Fred pulls me into a hug.

He lifts me up and pulls me into a kiss.

"Fred. You still have the potion on your lips," I say.

"...oh. It's alright. We're in love with each other not much changes," Fred winks and tries to pull me into another kiss.

"Fred," I warn.

"Is this about Axel?" Fred huffs.

"Axel and I are just friends."

"Awfully touchy for friends."

"You're being pretty touchy right now," I say.

"Because I love you, and I'm under a potion," Fred mopes and pulls me into another kiss.

I could feel the love potion starting to take affect though I was never exactly opposed to kissing him. So, I let him. I would blame it on the potion later. I didn't feel much different though, just more willing to do it. We end up making out and making our way to the couch. Harry and George pull us apart.

"I have to admit letting a love potioned boy go to the infirmary with the object of his affection wasn't the best idea," George grunts.

Harry takes my arm and George takes Fred's. They drag us apart and we go to the infirmary. Fred and I wrestle out of their grasp and embrace each other. We go back to kissing in the middle of the hall.

"Control yourselves aye," George slaps Fred.

"Do it when you're sober. Don't worry you'll still want to snog each other when we're done," Harry rolls his eyes.

They grab our other arms so that Fred and I can hold hands in the middle. It wasn't much different from our usual hand holding. Fred and I were always closer than the others. George needed more space than Fred.

We make our way to the infirmary and Madame Pomfrey already has the antidote ready. I guess this was a common occurrence around this time. They give the antidote to Fred. He drinks it after a lot of convincing.

As soon as he drinks it I grab him by the tie and pull him into another kiss. We make out a bit more when the antidote finally transfers to me. I break apart and look at Fred.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry Freddie," I look away embarrassed.

"I'm... gonna go back and try to figure out the egg," I say.

Fred grabs my arm, "I'll go with you."

"You should probably take care of your lip. We um... yeah. I must have bit it or something," I walk off. Harry follows me.

Fred's POV:

Ash walks out and I look at George in awe.

"George. She, I, We, Pinch me," I collapse on the bed.

"Yeah yeah. Under a love potion though. You won't even remember what you did under the potion," George says.

"Buuuut I got the antidote and then she kissed me. I will never forget. I must be in heaven," I smile.

"Yeah... now that you've made out with her. 3 times. Ask her out," George sits beside me.

"I remember taking the potion and feeling the same then I went to kiss her because I could blame it on the potion later. It was a bit of a blur after that. Then I guess I took the antidote. Ash grabbed me by my tie and started kissing me. I could feel her hand wrapping around my neck and her other hand in my hair. She bit my lip a little and put her tongue into my mouth. I um slid mine into hers too and I could feel her breath in my mouth and it was just amazing. She was a bit aggressive, she bit my lip every time I tried to pull away, not that I wanted to very much. It was better than anything I could've imagined and I have imagined, but it was a love potion that made her do it. When the kiss deepened and her tongue got to the antidote left behind in my mouth she broke off almost instantly. And-" I describe.

Every time she touches me I feel electric. This time I felt like my whole body was on fire. She could probably hear my heart beating. I wanted more, maybe she did too. It felt too real to be fake. Or maybe that was just how powerful the potion was.

"Ew ew ew stop stop stop. I don't know why I didn't interrupt you before. I do NOT want to know about Ash's or your kissing," George gags.

"It was the most magical moment of my life," I say.

"You kissed her back after you already had the antidote. She definitely knows you like her now. Ask her out. Now," George

When I kissed Ash for the first time. Did she kiss back?  It was more a blur than anything.

George always pressures me into finally confessing to Ash. Ever since before I liked her. It was never the right time though. There was always too much at risk. She's my best friend. But this time, I listen.

Fred <3Where stories live. Discover now