Chapter 8: The Leviathan of the Lake

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"Hello boys," the Huntsman greeted them. "Mind if I borrow your boat?" Snarling, one of the villagers stooped down and retrieved something from the bottom of the boat. When he stood back, the object he grabbed was revealed to be a large harpoon. This he lobbed at Jaune, who quickly sidestepped the attack, before grabbing the fishing spear by its shaft. A quick twist of his wrist turned the harpoon around, allowing him to throw it back at its surprised owner. The barbed spearhead pierced through the man's neck, burying itself in his throat up the wood.

"Ah," Sun grunted, rubbing his own neck uncomfortably. "That looked so painful!"

The villager gurgled, then toppled off the dock and into the lake. Not even before his legs disappeared beneath the water, the other man had charged across the dock, slashing at Jaune's neck with a fishing knife. The Huntsman took a step backwards, avoiding the serrated blade, then lifted an elbow to block a haymaker thrown at his face. He retaliated with a punch of his own, the force of which caused the villager to turn around. Jaune used the opportunity to grab the man by the head, and with a quick twist of the wrists, snapped his neck like a twig.

"Yikes! Where did Vomit Boy learn to do that?!" Emerald demanded, surprised that Jaune was capable of breaking a person's neck.

"He definitely did not learn it at Beacon, that much is certain," Willow replied, equally as shocked.

Jaune laid the villager down on the docks, then stepped over him to get into the motorboat. Three more large harpoons lay at the boat's stern, which the Huntsman spared a passing glance as he pulled up the anchor, and placed it upon the bow.

"Okay, now we're in business," he said to himself. "Let's do this." He took hold of the motorboat's steering rod, and with a rev of the motor, set off across the great gray lake.

"Um, are we sure Jaune is going to fight that Lagartodile?" Velvet asked timidly. "That Grimm only went after the corpse in the water. It never attacked the motorboat. Maybe it's been trained to leave boats alone?"

"It could be," Adam conceded. "But even if it has, it's still going to attack Jaune. His scent will be different than the usual passengers."

Now that he was out on the water himself, Jaune was able to notice some details about the lake that he hadn't been able to before. Specifically, the floating trees and jagged rock spires sticking up out of the water that he had to swerve to avoid. Shaking his head at this frustrating development, the Huntsman refocused his attention on getting to the other shoreline.

Jaune was about halfway across the lake before he noticed it: the water beneath his boat was beginning to ripple and churn faster than it had been before. Then, a large, dark shape began to sift through the water beneath him. The Huntsman's eyes narrowed as he realized what was about to happen. And then the same massive jaws that had snapped up the policeman burst from out of the water in front of his boat.

"AAAHH!" Ruby screamed. Then, noticing everyone looking at her, she blushed. "That scared me," she admitted sheepishly.

"There's no need to be embarrassed, sweetie," Kali told her. "We were all caught off-guard by that."

The Lagartodile's red eyes glared at Jaune as it swam towards him, the crocodile Grimm's mouth open wide enough to swallow the entire boat. The Huntsman quickly swerved the small ship out of the way, but not in time to prevent the side of the Lagartodile's head bump against the bow, knocking the anchor into the water. The heavy metal weight began to sink into the lake, only for one of its arms to snag on one of the crocodile Grimm's back spikes. The boat lurched, throwing Jaune onto his back, as his ride was tugged across body of water.

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