8# Unchained

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CW! Pedophilia (don't worry, nothing bad will happen to a child, I just wanted to warn y'all.)

On the next birthday you performed, all the guardians of the kids were smokers. They couldn't last any longer in the room full of loud kids and went outside in the middle of the celebration. While the little ones remained unguided, you noticed an unknown man entering. He looked quite old and held a huge lollipop in his hand... the best thing to lure children with. After he tapped on the shoulder of a child, he spoke something, but the music was too loud for you to hear the words. The kid nodded in excitement and the man grabbed the child's hand, about to bring it somewhere else. The other children around were too busy to notice.

This gave you a bad gut feeling. That man definitely wasn't one of the parents.

You mimicked the actions of my program to gain control over your body. "Hey!" you then shouted out to the old man. He turned his head, confused about who could've spoken. "Yes, you, sir!"

His eyes popped out, not believing what he was seeing... an animatronic speaking to him. You walked up to the loudspeakers, which were playing the music, and turned them a bit down.

"Were you invited to this party?" you asked the man as you slowly approached him. He didn't give a response and only stared in pure shock and confusion. "Were you?" you repeated.

The man quickly let the kid's hand go. "Well, uhh, I..." he stuttered, unable to gather the right words. 

"It doesn't matter!" you said, switching your mood to a happier one. "Come on, dance with us!"

You turned the music up again and grabbed the man by the arm, forcing him to dance. You pulled and pulled him until you reached the restroom, where the two of you had your privacy.

Your tone immediately returned to a serious one. "Now that we're alone..." you said, slamming the man against the wall. He hit the back of his head and dropped on his knees, his breath quickening. You just stared at him, not saying a word, and he even didn't dare to look up at you. Just as he should.

All of a sudden, your mind started racing uncontrollably with many thoughts. Ways to kill him. Ways to torture him. Ways to consume his heart. You hoped it was just your anger making you lose control, so you kicked his nose to let it out. Blood began streaming down his big nostrils as he cried, yet your intrusive thoughts turned even worse.

Your hands started shaking and your entire body went numb.

All you had in mind was only one thing.




You lost control and jumped at him. Despite your current state of blindness, you could still hear his agonizing screams filling the room for a short moment.

You were back and stared at the body lying on the floor. The chest was ripped open and the missing heart... you guessed it, it was in your mouth. You gulped the organ down, the iron taste spreading on your metallic tongue causing you to shudder in disgust. Shoot, how could you hide the body?

You quickly grabbed the body by the collar and ran into one of the cabinets, luckily not spilling any blood. After locking the door, you let the body sit on the toilet seat while thinking of any possible hiding places.

All of a sudden, someone entered the restroom. "Bleurgh, mommy, it smells so weird in here!" a little girl whined, probably from the strong scent of blood.

"Shhh, Penelope," a female voice whispered. "I taught you about periods already."

You didn't understand what a period was, but as long as they didn't suspect a murder, it didn't matter anyway. As soon as they both were absent again, you decided that leaving the body in the locked cabinet was just okay. You crawled out through the huge door gap and went to the sink, looking at your bloody hands.

You took someone's life again.

Wait, nevermind, it was a pedophile's life, so it didn't matter that much.

But, still. The thought that you couldn't control yourself again scared you. Like there was a different, heartless being controlling you. It wasn't even a being, it didn't even have emotions. It was your program. And, no matter how much you were trying to convince yourself that your real remnant personality was better than your program, you couldn't deny it...

...you were the mistake, not the program.

You grabbed some paper towels and wetted them a little bit with the water. Quickly scrubbing the red color off of your hands and mouth, you remembered when Freddy had to clean my hand when I killed the technician. You cringed at the embarrassing memory. At least he was gentle with it, though, and did it voluntarily. Besides, he only wanted to help you... probably.

When you were done, you threw the paper towel into the trash can and entered the party room again. Still no parents, good. No, not good, but only good for this situation.

You returned back to your place and was about to let my program take control over my body, until you remembered your other crew members performing on stage with you. They perhaps wanted to roam for a little while too, didn't they? How could you tell them what to do, though?

You snapped with your fingers when an idea popped up.

"Y/N, you're back!" a little boy exclaimed in excitement. "Can you tell us another story?"

"Of course I can!" you said, kneeling down to get to the approximate eye level of your young audience. "But before that, I have a question: Why do butterflies live at day and moths at night?"

"Because the moths like the cheese from the moon!" another boy in the audience responded, to which everyone slightly laughed.

"Yes, that can be the reason, too" you chuckled, imagining Molly eating cheese from the full moon. "But I think it's because of something else. You know, moths used to be the butterflies' prisoners. One day, the moths decided to break out. They struggled and failed every single time, because butterflies could tell the difference between the brown moths and the colorful bugs of their own kind.

One day, a smart moth named Molly had an idea. She painted her own and everyone else's wings colorful as a disguise and sneaked out. During the breakout, a few butterflies invited them to a huge ceremony, because they thought these moths were butterflies, too. They came to the party and had to be in their role, for example pretending to like flowers. When the party was over, it was night, when everyone was asleep. So after the moths pretended during the sunlight, they decided to be themselves in the moonlight, when they could not be caught. That's why moths only roam at night."

You looked over at the other Funtimes, hoping they would get the hint. "Moral of the story: Pretend to be something you're not, then you can escape whatever you're trapped in."

"What?!?" a girl said. She was a bit older than the other children, so she must've known more. "The whole story is a huge lie, we never learned it at schoo-"

"Well, I lived in a different world back then!" I spoke, trying to keep my storyteller role. "Where do you think I got all of these stories from?"

"Maybe you got them by making these tales up?" the girl answered, still sceptic. "Do you think we're dumbasses?"

"Nuh-uh," Freddy said in a playful manner, wagging his finger. "Watch your potty mouth!"

You lifted my head and looked up, finding the other Funtimes moving by themselves and communicating with the kids.

"Yeah, whatever," the girl murmured as she rolled her eyes. "Doesn't change the fact that it's all lies, though."

"Nope, these are not lies!" Bon Bon said. "We even met Molly once!"

"Woah, really?" another child asked, to which he nodded in response.

But then a thought was bugging you. What would happen if you were low on remnant? Would the program take control over you again? It would return either way for sure.

Someone should really fix you.

And if the others wouldn't, you will put the work in your own hands.

Craving Comfort ✿ Funtime Freddy x ANIMATRONIC reader [ONGOING]Where stories live. Discover now