4# In the middle of the night

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"What if it won't work?" Freddy asked, holding eye contact with you. It had only been twenty minutes or so, yet he was doubting your plan already.

"Be patient. We're unsure how long it takes for someone to gain consciousness." However, you sounded unconvincing. "Buuut if this doesn't work, I repeat, IF this doesn't work, we can just steal this man's heart right there," you said, pointing at the corpse Freddy sat on earlier.

"It's too old," he said. "We always need something fresh."

"Aw man," you mumbled. "It doesn't matter. That wolf's heart will work anyway, am I right?"

He looked back at Bon Bon, frowning. Then he shrugged. The moment of silence was constantly interrupted by some howling of owls. "Why are you actually trying to help me?",Freddy eventually asked.

Now it was your turn to shrug. "I don't know," you responded. „I don't know how it feels to lose a friend, but every time I'm with you... I somehow receive your sadness of loss through your actions. The first time we met, and when I mentioned him, you were giving off that kind of...energy."

His eyebrows lowered, memories flooding through his mind.

"So I've decided to make this plan!" you concluded, trying to have a more positive tone.

Another moment of silence. A moth approached and landed on your hand, fluttering its brown wings, just like a human would wave as a greeting. "Oh hey butterfly!" you giggled, also waggling your ears in response. The children often drew butterflies, so you couldn't know better.

"Look I'm-" Freddy started his sentence, but immediately cut off when you made eye contact with him.

"You're what?", you asked as you raised an eyebrow.

He closed his blue eyes, making a sound of taking a deep breath. When he opened them again, he looked to the side. "I'm really... er... y'know what, just forget it."

"No I won't just forget it," you said as you crossed your arms. "Tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing's wro-ong!" he yelled, his tone getting more aggressive. The moth flew towards Freddy, making him lean back. When it sat on his nose, his ears dropped to the side in fear. "Get it off," Freddy quietly begged in a shaky voice. Because of holding Bon Bon, he couldn't smack the insect or wave it off.

"No, tell me what's wrong first," you demanded, lifting your chin.


"SHHHH," you whisper-yelled, pressing a finger onto your lips. "We don't wanna wake any animals up! Now, spit it out."

"Why are you doing this to me?" he whined. "Please get it off first, I really can't pull myself together with this thing!"

"Hey, Molly, come here," you said, opening your hand. When your new moth friend, Molly as you called her, landed on your hand, Freddy exhaled in relief.

"Okay, ahem... I'm... look, I actually..." he sputtered, his voice glitching again, while finding the right words. "I'm sorry for hurting you. I was mad that you were something like Bawn Bawn's replacement. I-I just miss him so-o much. A-and I thought you wanted to mock me with that fact, when you- entered my room for the first time. But seems like I was wrong. You didn't have anything to do with that. You're really trying to help. How can I... make it up?"

You blinked, still processing everything. He didn't even ask whether you forgave him or not, he immediately wanted to make it up. "Well, just don't touch me again," you said, remembering the incident. "That's all I want. And maybe be a little less rude to me sometimes."

"Mhm!" he hummed, nodding. "Got it!"

You looked over at your moth. "So, Molly, what do you wanna eat? Wait, don't you drink the nectar from flowers or something? All the flowers are closed now..." Molly flew to the man's corpse and chewed on some old clothing. "Okay then."

A small water drop landed on your nose. "What was that?", Freddy asked.

"You felt it too?" you asked back, to which he nodded. As you looked up at the sky, which was now filled with black clouds, a bigger drop fell in your eye. You blinked and shortly rubbed your eyes while hearing more and more drops hitting the dirty ground.

Molly approached you and landed on your shoulder. "I think we should leave, I don't like this," Freddy said as he stood up, attaching Bon Bon to his right hand. With the left hand, he covered his bunny as much as possible, and ran.

You went after him with Molly, who couldn't fly any longer. While avoiding the obstacles like trees or bushes, you followed Freddy's silhouette, although you couldn't trust him enough with this. However, you were unsure of the way yourself, and in the case he ever lead you to a wrong place, then you could've blamed it on him.

Luckily, you four – including unconscious Bon Bon – arrived in front the entrance of Circus Baby's Rentals and Entertainment. Baby was holding the door open, waving like crazy. "Come in!" she shouted. "You're gonna get wet!"

You were finally back, but still on the surface. "Have you lost your mind?!" Baby said with a hint of worry in her voice. "You could've gotten lost! What were you two even doing?"

It was similar to a mother giving a lecture to her children. You looked at Freddy, who was already glaring back. It was so funny for no reason, you both tried to hold your laughter back. Freddy was the first one giggling, which made you lose it, and made him laugh even harder, it goes on.

Baby gave you two a concerned look, which made you both shut up. You cleared your throat to explain, until Freddy cut you off. "We were performing surgery on a dead wolf, obviously."

"Yeah, I can tell," Baby said, looking at your bloody hands.

"And I made a friend," you told. „May I introduce you to Molly, the butterfly?" You showed your moth, which was currently sitting on your shoulder, completely full from the dead man's clothes.

"Uhm, this is actually a moth," Baby corrected you as she raised a finger and pointed at Molly.

"Really?" you asked. "So what's the difference between these two?"

"Butterflies live by daylight and eat nectar, while moths are active at night and eat carpets, clothes and any of that stuff."

"Oh. I still love her."

"Well, I'll see you later then," Baby said as she walked to her own stage. She flipped the switch, making the podium descend. "We have a long day tomorrow!"

As the hole closed, Freddy also went to his stage and did the same thing.

However, you still stayed on the surface. You looked out of a window, looking at the raindrops on the window. The sounds of the water hitting the earth was so satisfying, you just wanted it to rain everyday. But thinking about your body, you changed your mind. You'd get a malfunction if the liquids ever got through your face plates, which didn't happen tonight. The night is beautiful, so calm, so peaceful... you wanted to know, what happened in the daylight.

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