Only gay cops

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Levi pov:

I was driving in the streets because of my night shift when a car appeared in front of me, I told them to park their car and they did. I also parked my car, get out of my car and walked to them, knocked on the window next to his chair several times and he finally lowered the window, I bent down so I could talk to him when I see the driver is a very, very, sexy boy.

"Hey, what are yo...."

"Sorry but only gay cops can fine me..."

'What the?' He looked at the plate on my chest with my name written on it.

"...Levi~" I stared at him for a few seconds then nodded my head.

"Understood, please wait a moment" I went to my car, took the switch and locked the car, then went back to his car and put my forearms on the edge of his car window.

"Hey babyboy~" I put my hand on his cheek and gently caressed his face with my thumb.

"What are you doin' here at this time of night? Don't you think daddy gets angry with you for being out at this hour?" He chuckled a little then leaned his cheek on my palm.

"Daddyyyyyyyyy I was at Armin's partyyyyyyyyyy, you let me gooo00000" I chuckled a little.

'Thinks that I'm your daddy huh?'

"I let you go?" He nodded his head.

"Why didn't you fasten your belt? Don't you think daddy will get worry about you?" He looked at his belt in surprise.

"Umm? Daddy I forgooooooot"

'He must be drunk'

"Open your mouth" He raised an eyebrow.


"Are you disobeying my order?" He shook his head.

"I just asked whyyyyyyy, I never said I will not do that"

"Tch, this brat knows what to say' I removed my hand from his cheek.

"I want to put my tongue in your mouth" He threw his hands around my neck and looked at me excited.

"Really?!!!" He asked excitedly and I nodded.

"Yea" He smiled then closed his eyes and opened his mouth for me. I smirked then smelled his mouth and well, he smells like alcohol.

He was still waiting for me to put my tongue in his mouth, after he felt that it's not going to happen, he closed his mouth. and opened his eyes, stared at me.

"You smell like alcohol, you didn't fasten your seat belt and you travel very late in the hour, I have to see your car documents and driver's license" He removed his hands from my neck.

"What made you so serious? You're making me sad" He said in a sad voice.


"Give me your car documents and your driver's license, then I'll be kind again"

"You promise?" I nodded my head.

"Yes" He raised his pinky.

"Pinky promise?"

'Am I talking to a kid?!!' I sighed.

"Yea yea" I grabbed his pinky with my pinky.

"Pinky promise" He clapped his hands happily, then opened his dashboard and handed me his car documents and driver's license. I checked all his documents and after seeing that there is no problem, I return them.

"There is no problem with your documents, but I still have to fine you" I started writing his fine on a fine paper.

"Fine? You meant punish?"

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