The Beginning!

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Alexa's Pov

It was just another morning, I woke up and got ready for the day! I thought that later I would take a walk through that garden that is near me because I needed something to do later. Anyway I walked out of my dorm and went to class, I got there and it was just another boring lesson about things I'll never need in life.

Well I guess it's not the class that's boring, it's the person who teaches it. He never makes the class fun or entertaining and it's so boring. Anyway I finished my one class and then went to my other class which I guess was more fun then before.

When I was done with that class, I would always see the hottest guy on campus, Ben Reade! I mean he is so hot but I'm not that pretty to go out with him. So later comes and I went to the garden because I wanted to get some fresh air and it sounded fun. While walking through I see someone sitting on a bench and they looked sad so being the nice person I am decided to see if they needed someone to talk to. When I got closer I saw it was Ben Reade! I mean wow the hottest guy on campus was sitting on a bench crying. Anyway so I go up to him and I say "Hi! Is this seat taken?" I somehow had the courage to talk to him which I would never have if we were still in school right now.

He said "No, you can sit down!" I said "Thanks, so are you ok?"

He said "Not really" I said "Oh I'm sorry , do you wanna talk about it?"

He nodded his head and started telling me about this girl Marina who I guess broke his heart because he was accused of killing this girl who he said was Mrs, Hendon.

I felt so bad and I knew he needed a friend so I asked "Um I know this might sound weird but do you wanna become friends?"

He said "Wow usually girls are afraid to talk to me" I said "Yeah well that's because your kinda the hottest guy on campus and even I was scared to talk to you but then you looked like you needed a friend so here I am!"

He smiled a little bit and said yes. So yeah I became the hottest guy on campuses friend and I still can't process it!

No girl would be brave enough to talk to Ben because again he's super hot but I was brave enough and now I'm his friend. He's kinda like my only friend at this university which is cool but some people would think, Why is he friends with me? I also want to know that, he's the hottest guy on campus and he said yes to being my friend which is weird because girls don't usually go and talk to him.

Girls are scared to talk to him because basically all the girls have crushes on him and of course I did too well because he's Ben Reade.

Some people would ask us why we have crushes on him and I say because he's got this amazing dark brown hair that makes you wanna put your fingers through it and these blue eyes that are just like the ocean. This smile that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside and this laugh that makes you smile and laugh because it's so cute.


It's been days now and I was sitting outside of my dorm because I was feeling kinda sad for some reason. Ok not for some reason but because I was bullied today, I was missing someone and that was my grandma and I was holding onto the stuffed animal that she gave me which was helping but not that much. 

Someone guy saw me with it and he started laughing at me and calling me a baby which made me upset. I ran away but I also lost the stuffed animal and now I am so scared to tell my grandma and sure she's so sweet especially to me but ugh I am so scared right now and so much that I'm actually crying right now. 

I had my face in my hands crying and that's when I feel someone poke my shoulder and I look up and Ben is staring at me. He asks me "What's wrong?" 

I said "I lost something that is so important to me and I got bullied for having a stuffed animal with me but it's just I miss my grandma so much that it was the one thing that I knew would help but after getting bullied I lost it and my grandma gave me it so now I'm also sad because I'm scared to tell her"

He lifts me up so that I am standing up and then he hugs me.

This is the first ever hug I got from him and wow his hugs are amazing, it feels so good being in his arms

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This is the first ever hug I got from him and wow his hugs are amazing, it feels so good being in his arms.

He finally lets go and takes his thumb and wipes my tears from my eyes. Wow his hands are so soft and I wish he could hold me forever, too be honest I would love to feel his hands all over my body, Ok I'll shut up.

He then says that he'll come with me to tell my grandma about losing the stuffed animal she gave me. I would do it by myself but I was too scared.

Later I take him to my grandma's house which is somewhere I stayed more then my own home because she was more like a parent to me then my actual parents were.

So when she answers the door, she sees me with Ben and she says "Oo so you finally got yourself a boyfriend, he's cute, you did a good job"

I said "Grandma he is not my boyfriend, he's friend and he came here because I need to tell you something that I am so scared to tell you and I need his company"

She said "Come in!" I sat down and she said "So what did you want to tell me?"

I started crying again because I was so scared. She said "It's ok, you can tell me anything!"

I sniffed and said "Ok so I lost that stuffed animal you gave me and I'm so sorry Grandma, please don't be mad"

She hugged me and said "It's ok Sweetie, I'm not mad at you"

I tried to feel better but I couldn't. Ben came over and said "Let me try"

He wrapped his arms around me and held me close. It felt really good and suddenly my crying stopped and I said  "Thank you Grandma for not getting mad at me and thank you Ben for making me feel better"

I then said "Ok well we have to get back to the university so I'll see ya Grandma, Bye"

She gave me kiss on the forehead and said "Bye, love you!"

I headed out and me and Ben went back to University.

When we got back he walked me to my dorm and then I said goodbye.

Wow today was interesting but it was a good day. I still can't believe I'm friend's with the hottest guy on campus!

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