Heroes Don't Wear Capes

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Daddy Long Legs x Reader requested by Lavender_Rabbit

Passing by the old factory of Playtime Co, you were always curious about what was inside. Your grandfather use to tell you stories of his time working there back in the 60's. You never got to see inside since he always kept you away for reasons he never said. Well what he doesn't know, won't hurt him. Managing to get one of the windows open, you snuck inside. Not even needing your flashlight since the lights still worked. You weren't going to question it. Walls covered in murals of the characters you had as toys growing up. You're favourite of course, was Daddy Long Legs. His mustache and hat was cool and you liked blue. He always looked so chill and positive. Like more positive than Mommy and the others.

Wandering the halls, you now started questioning things. The blood splattered tiles and broken, bloodied toys. At this point, anyone would leave but not you. You still kept on going. Curse your huge curiosity! You heard footsteps behind you. Thinking it was an old worker, you turned around and yelled sorry. But it wasn't a worker, it was Huggy Wuggy. The one you passed at the Playtime Area. Why was he moving?! Not even wondering, you took off running. With him right behind you, letting out roars. Now you regretted coming in this place. Before tuning down a corridor, you were mysteriously lifted into the air. You though Huggy had got you, but you were on a pipe near the ceiling.

"Ho boy, now that was close" a voice spoke. Looking to the darkness, you squinted your eyes to see the source to the voice. You made out something blue, obviously not Huggy. The fedora gave that away. It was Daddy Long Legs. One of his long arms gave your head a pat, "any second late and you would have been done for." He let out a sigh, "oh that Huggy. Always causing mischief. Sorry about him, hope he didn't hurt you or anything." All you could do was shake your head. He then laughed, "ha-ha. No need to be tounge tied, I don't bite like Huggy does." That made you chuckle, true he did save you from him. "Eh sorry. I wasn't expecting someone to come save me. Especially my favourite toy" you smiled sheepishly. Daddy's grin widened, "ah I'm your favourite huh? Well, that makes me more glad that I saved you." The hand on your head ruffled your hair.

"Now let's get you out of here before everyone else finds out you're here." The blue mascot lowered you back down to the floor. Coming right behind you, he ushered you towards the exit. "But I dont want to leave. Not after being saved by my favourite toy and hero" you frowned. Your curiosity of the building was also still high. Daddy just stared at you, his grin falling. "You seem very eager. I dont want to put up a fight to get you to leave." The two of you were silent for a moment. "Alright" he finally spoke. "But I'm not letting you out of my sight. Cant have a fan of mine getting hurt." With his grin coming back, he followed you back down the corridor. Keeping an eye out for the other mascots that would ambush you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2022 ⏰

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