Lifetime Friendship

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Cat-Bee x Reader

Working in the Warehouse was tiring. The cons were the room being a bit hot during the summers, hazards everywhere and if you're working late; dealing with the toys that like to freak you out from inside the vents. But on the plus sides, there was a bench in the corner to take a pit break, enjoying the sun through the windows. But most importantly, you got to enjoy the little company of Cat-Bee. Whenever you were by yourself in the warehouse, she would be right there excited to see you. "Meow, meow, buzz! Y/N!" she chimed as she dashed over to you. Kneeling down, you gave the cat toy a pat on her head. A small purr emerged from her which made you smile. You never had a cat since you were allergic. But with Cat-Bee being a toy and all, it worked out. It felt like you finally had your own cat. Except it was more at work than at home.

You two had grown a good friendship over the weeks you started working at the factory. It was the same on days you worked alone in the warehouse. Cat-Bee would come through the vent, chat with you and help you with the boxes. Of course only the ones she was able to push herself. "Where do you want this box to bee?" the cat asked. Sitting on top of a small box, she could push. "Over there by those shelves, CB. Thanks." You pointed to a nearby shelf unit as you pushed the trolley piled with new boxes. It was cute how she put emphasis on the word be! She made your job much enjoyable. After helping with the boxes, she would just relax on your shoulder. Having your nightly chats and giggles. Little did you two know you both were being watched. And not by the toys.

"Hey! What's going on? Where are you taking me?" You yelled as scientists took you to a room you didn't know. Cat-Bee could only watch helplessly from the vent. Knowing what your fate was going to be. Your muffled screams from the other side of the door made the cat whimper. It wasn't the first and it definitely wasn't gonna be the last time she'll hear screams that like from that room. Night had fallen, and there you sat. In one of the corridors, staring at your hands. That were once skin. "Y/N?" Cat-Bee walked over, sitting beside you. You sulked to the floor, you were a toy. You were scared. The cat nuzzled you, "its gonna be alright. I know you're scared, but I'll be right here." Even in a dark time like this, her little be emphasis couldn't stop you from smiling. Trying to hide your giggles that wanted to come out.

But it wasn't that, it was also hearing that she'll be with you throughout this hell. Happy to know you weren't going to be alone. "Thanks, CB." Cat-Bee giggled, "you look adorable. So hope that makes you feel better." This made you laugh. Getting up, she hopped down the corridor. "C'mon Y/N. Let's go play with Candy Cat. She'd be glad to share her candy with you." Getting up yourself, you carefully walked behind her. Getting use to your new toy legs would take some time. Quickly, the cat came behind you. "I got you" she purred. "Hey! Now that you'll be here from now on. We get to play every day all day now." That did sound a bit nice. You always loved her company. Being trapped here with her would make it less terrifying. A new life, but you still had your friend from your old one.

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