No Touching

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Yandre!PJ Pug-a-Pillar x Reader requested by 567rose765

Being the last one to leave at the end of the day, you always seemed to attract the attention of the toys. No in a murderous way, but a friendly one. Especially PJ. He'd always beg you not to leave and stay a little longer. Usually wrapping himself around you with his big puppy looking smile. It was adorable, but you still had to go. And giving him a few tickles got you the chance to leave until the next day. It was like having a big, long dog that loved lots of attention. He was clingy but it didn't bother you. It was cute. There were days where Leith had you do some overtime by yourself for a while. PJ gave you great company, even giving you rides around the halls to your destination. Making it seem like you were on a kiddie coaster the way he slithered his body around. 

Though there was one thing did worry you a little. He didn't like when the other toys touched you. There was enough of you to share with everyone. But he just wanted you to himself. Whether it was a high five, gripping onto your pant leg or jumping onto your back. PJ didn't like it! He would let out a growl as he tugged them away. "PJ, stop that! Bad boy" you scolded. Making him whimper, "I'm sorry, Y/N...." He didn't want to share you, he liked having you to himself. Over the next few days, he either followed you or carried you around more than he usually did. You just thought he was just making it up to you for being mean to the others. While you worked, the toy would sit nearby and watch you. Secretly growling at Huggy and the others that came around. 

Cat-Bee and Candy Cat suddenly stopped coming around, which concerned you. Only for Kissy to find them in one of the halls in a bloody mess. Unknown to you that it was PJ's doing. Now here you were, running through the halls. Covered in blood from trying to save Bunzo from PJ's jaws. The pug-a-pillar had managed to slaughter almost all the toys. With Boogie Bot and Daisy in your arms, you continued to run. PJ hot on your trail, though he was slow he was catching up fast. Ending up in the backrooms, the only was to go was through the vent. The toys jumping from your arms, stood at the entrance where you three came. "Go Y/N. We'll stall PJ while you get out" Daisy puffed her stem chest. Not wanting to leave them, you listened and climbed through the vent. 

Farther you went, you then heard the toys scream. Indicating PJ was now coming for you. "I don't like when everyone gets to hug you." You could hear his voice echo through the vent. You managed to find your way back to the main entrance. Quickly, you ran out and right on time as PJ  slammed into the door as it closed. His little legs scratching at it trying to get out. "Y/N, you wouldn't leave me alone, right?" he gave an innocent puppy look. Without a thought, you ran. Ran to your car and speed out of there. Passing the doors, you could see PJ still there trying to get out. How bad you felt for your co workers in the morning....

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