Sharing is Caring

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Candy Cat x Child Orphan!Reader

Like some of the other children, you were in the Gam Station playing. The rest of the children were either in the three major games. Under the slide, you were eating your bag of candy that Mommy gave you along with everyone else. "Feed me candy" Candy Cat ran over to you. Her long tongue dragging behind her. Before you could do anything, the cat pounced on the candy bag and walked off with it. "CC! That's not nice!" you whined following after her. "I can share with you." This made her stop and look back at you. Dropping the bag at her paws. "But I want all the candy" she spoke up. Her tone sounding like a pouty child not wanting to share. Of course her pouty face  matched her tone. 

"Mommy can give you some candy if you ask her" you sat beside the cat. Grabbing the bag, you took out a gumdrop and held it out to Candy Cat. Staring at the candy, she eventually ate it. "Nom nom nom! Thank you! More candy!" she purred. Eyes staring at the bag in your hand. Another candy was taken out, but this time you ate it. Which Candy Cat didn't like. "Candy!" she whined. Snatching the bag in her mouth again, running off. "CC, I want some too! Didn't Mommy teach you about sharing?" You cried as you chased after the blue cat. Around the slide, the children, Mommy, the workers. You two were all over the place, but Candy Cat did not stop running. The cat eventually stopped at one of the tunnels by the slides. "I want candy" she huffed. 

Catching up, you took the bag back once again. "There's enough for both of us, CC. We can share. Mommy said sharing is caring." Sitting down, you handed her another candy piece. Which she took instantly. "Friends share. Aren't we friends, CC?" you asked as you ate a piece. The blue cat jumped with delight, "of course we are Y/N! I wanna share with you!" With that, she climbed into your lap and laid there. Tongue dangling out as she looked up at you for another piece. "More candy please." You laughed as you handed her another candy. "See? Isn't it nice to share with friends?" You rolled a piece on her nose, making her laugh as well. "Mommy didn't teach me about sharing. But I'm happy you did, Y/N!"

You smiled at that. Mommy was going to be so proud when you tell her that you taught the value of sharing. Maybe she didn't have time to teach the other toys about it? "When Mommy gives me another bag tomorrow, we'll share again. And again the next day" you cheered. Candy Cat purred and had two more pieces. "Ah okay. No more candy. I'm stuffed. Does sharing have a limit?" she laughed as did you. "Aren't you glad you didn't eat the whole bag?" The cat just whined in your lap, "I might have exploded from being so full if I did" she groaned. "I won't let that happen." Picking the cat up and giving her a gentle pat, you ran back to where the other children and Mommy were.

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