Chapter 35 - Opposing Thoughts

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Adeline parks her car behind mine. When she gets out, her eyes glisten in the sunlight. I'm in front of her in an instant, holding her face in my hands.

"What's wrong?" I ask.

Dumbass. What isn't wrong? It's been a hard day for her. But it didn't stop her from facing Dean's parents even though she knew they would say something to her. And all to prove I had a valid reason for getting in a fight. Now she's here to make sure I don't get in trouble with my parents no matter how tired she must be. Makes me feel bad, but more than anything it makes me fall in love with her a little harder.

"You don't have to be here if you're tired," I say, running my thumb across her cheek. "I can take it from here. You can go home if you need space."

She shakes her head. "No. I'm fine. I want to make sure your parents aren't too harsh on you. It wouldn't be fair of me to make you feel like you need to protect me and not even do a fraction of that."

What? "You didn't make me feel like doing anything. I wanted to because you're silver with the value of gold and I'm in love with you."

God, every time I say the words, they feel more true. Adeline inhales, glancing away. I can't tell if it's from embarrassment or... something else... But I gently tilt her head back to me. "Can I kiss you?"

She hesitates. "Not right now."

As she says it, more tears seem to fill her eyes. I wipe a stray tear from the corner of her eye with my thumb. "Adeline, go home if you're not feeling okay."

She shakes her head, taking my hand. She sniffles, using her sleeve to wipe the tears away from her eyes. She takes a deep breath, guiding me towards the house with her shoulders back. "I'm okay. Let's go talk to your parents and get it over with."

Adeline can be pretty stubborn sometimes, and I know her well enough to know I can't change her mind about this. So I let her lead the way to the house. When we open the front door, my parents push themselves off the couch. They lead the way upstairs to my room. Adeline doesn't let go of my hand the entire time, and she keeps a hold of it when we're sitting on the edge of my bed with my parents standing in front of us.

Mom looks expectantly at Adeline. "Tell us exactly what Dean has said to you."

Adeline's eyes aren't shining with unshed tears anymore. Her face isn't even flushed. How could she have cried just minutes ago and look completely fine now? She even manages a casual shrug.

"Basically what his parents said in Kyrie's office," she says.

She sounds so indifferent, I almost think she doesn't care anymore. But I know that's not true, which makes me think of what Aart said in the front office about how Adeline can sound dismissive when she wants to get people to leave a subject alone. Definitely scary.

"Dean didn't say anything else?" Dad presses.

Adeline shakes her head. "No. That's basically what he said."

I guess that's technically true, but what he actually said and did was a lot worse than his parents slut-shaming her. Not that it makes what they did any better.

Mom sighs and sits on Adeline's other side, taking her hand. "I'm really sorry this has been happening at all."

Adeline nods. "I know, and I really appreciate what you guys said to defend me. It means a lot." Adeline glances at me. "It means a lot that Jax does anything it takes to protect me, too, which is exactly what he did today."

Dad studies me. "Last time, too, right?" Adeline and I nod. Dad sighs, running a hand down his face. "Well... I wish we knew the extent of all this before." He crosses his arms over his chest. "Makes me feel bad for grounding you all those other times you got in a fight with Dean. Sounds like he deserved every beating you gave him."

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