Chapter 34 - Fractured Dams

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When I walk into the front office, I pause long enough to take in Jax. He sits in the chair right outside Kyrie's office with an ice pack pressed against his cheek. All the guys are there, standing around him. Jax sees me first, and he's on his feet in a second, dropping the ice pack in his hurry. Everyone turns to me, stepping out of the way like I might bulldoze them if they don't. Maybe a few minutes ago, that would've been true, but I need to save that energy for something else.

I take a deep breath and walk towards Jax. There's anticipation in his eyes, but he still meets my gaze as he says, "I'm sorry. I know I promised you this morning I wouldn't get in a fight, but I couldn't just stand there and listen to the things Dean was saying about you."

I don't say anything for a second. Jax holds my gaze. The anticipation is still there, but there's also a hint of defiance like even if I'm about to tell him off for what he did, he'll stand his ground about why he's not in the wrong this time.

And he's right. He really isn't in the wrong this time, so there's no need for the anticipation or the defiance.

My eyes flicker to the bruise on his cheek. The one he got from his scuffle with Dean Homecoming night is gone, but now there's a new one just below his eye. It's the darkest one yet. I tentatively reach out and run my hand over it. Jax stays still, shutting his eyes like he wants to relish my touch. After a moment, I kiss him on his bruise.

I take a step back. "I don't think you have anything to apologize for."

Jax blinks. "You're not mad?"

I laugh. "I'm mad. Just not at you." And I never should have been for this. But I should be mad at Dean. At Faye. At myself most of all. "I'm sorry I was, though."

Jax shakes his head. "No. I promised—"

I wave my hand in front of me. "It doesn't matter. You were protecting me. I shouldn't be mad at you for that." I swallow, holding my hand against my chest. I make myself maintain eye contact as I say, "I really am sorry and I'm really not mad at you anymore."

"Just to be clear," Ty cuts in, "you're not mad at any of us, right?"

I smile at him. "Right."

Santos makes a face. "You owe me a hug, then, because I thought you were going to kill me if I tried to say anything earlier."

I set my backpack down and open my arms. Santos lifts me off my feet into a hug. I shut my eyes, squeezing him tight. "I'm sorry."

He sets me down. "It's okay. I just gotta remember that you're fucking scary."

Aart nods, eyes wide. "Me too."

I have to laugh as I turn to hug Aart. "I'm sorry."

Aart returns my hug, exhaling. "I don't think I ever want you to be mad at me ever again."

I pull away, patting him on the shoulder. "Good."

I turn back to Jax as they all laugh. I can't stop the corners of my mouth from turning up either, and it feels like the dam inside me starts to patch itself back together. The more it does, the more resolve I start to gather for what I have to do.

"Are your parents here yet?" I ask Jax.

He nods, glancing towards Kyrie's office. The door is closed, but I can hear muffled voices drifting through. Some of them sound calm. Others... not so much...

"They've been in there with Evren, Kyrie, and Dean's parents for a while," Jax says.

I nod, staring at the closed door. The Panic Moment from earlier starts to rise, stirring up the water and breaking down the dam as I think about what I'm about to do. "How mad did your parents seem?"

Days of Revelations (Night of Secrets #2)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن