Chapter 45 - Confessing Schemes

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I don't hear from Adeline for the rest of the weekend. Before school on Monday, I catch the guys and Mira up about what happened, and they tell me the same thing my parents do. But hearing it again doesn't make me feel any better. Especially when I don't see Adeline's car parked anywhere once I get to school.

Knowing that she's staying home doesn't stop me from trying to find her throughout the day. Sometimes I swear I see her, but she's not actually there. When I realize she's not, I end up pulling my phone out to call or text her before forcing myself to shove my phone back into my pocket. I'm sure more than anything else right now that Adeline needs space. Especially from me. I still think I did the right thing, but it hurts knowing Adeline hates me for it.

"Adeline doesn't hate you," Aart assures me as we walk through the halls. "She won't be mad at you forever. She'll realize you were trying to help her."

I stare straight ahead. "I guess."

Aart sighs. "Jax, everything will be fine."

I stop in the middle of the hall and turn to him, jabbing a finger in his chest. "You didn't read the letters. You don't know how bad it actually got. I don't even think I know how bad it got. Besides, how don't you feel bad? We all stood by—"

Aart knocks my hand aside, giving me an exasperated look. "Of course, I feel bad, Jax." He blows out a breath, running a hand through his hair. "We all feel bad. But none of us 'stood by' and let these things happen. Least of all you. You don't give yourself enough credit for everything you've been trying to do for Adeline."

I shrug. "None of it matters if she ended up thinking she doesn't deserve basic decency."

"Adeline thinks that?" Ty asks as he and Santos join us. I nod. Ty's eyes widen. "Wow..."

A heavy silence falls over us. The passing conversations, footsteps, and lockers opening and closing don't do much to cover it up. I don't know about the others, but I try not to focus on anything specific. If I do for too long, I'll start thinking about Adeline and the letters she wrote to herself, so I glance around, not letting my eyes linger on anything in particular.

Until my eyes land on Cyril.

He's leaning against the lockers, smiling and laughing at something Faye says. Looks like Dean isn't back yet, and I hope he's still suffering right now. But Cyril doesn't look like he's suffering at all. I'm starting to think I was too focused on Dean all this time. I should've paid more attention to Cyril and what he was doing to Adeline.

"Jax," Aart calls. When he puts a hand on my shoulder, I realize I was heading toward Cyril. "Don't. You just got back from suspension. They're watching you closely."

I scoff, shrugging his hand off. "So I'm supposed to let Cyril get away with making Adeline think she's worthless?"

"I can beat the shit out of him this time," Santos offers, already shrugging his backpack off. "They're not watching me."

I scowl at him. "But it's more satisfying to beat him up than to watch you do it."

Santos makes a face. "Well, that's how I felt every time you got in a fight with Dean, so this will make us even."

Aart steps between us, holding his hands up. "No one is beating the shit out of anyone."

"I don't know..." Ty sings out of the corner of his mouth. "Cyril deserves it..."

Aart nods, dropping his hands. "I know. But we can't risk Jax getting in trouble again."

I always hate it when Aart's right. I glare in Cyril's direction. He's still smiling at whatever Faye is saying, but his eyes flicker in my direction for a moment. I swear his smile is replaced with fear. Good. He should be scared. Even if I don't hurt him, he deserves to be scared and a lot worse for what he did to Adeline.

Days of Revelations (Night of Secrets #2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz