Chapter 46 - A Clear Revelation

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It was Mom's idea for me to stay home, and I didn't fight her on it.

I wish I did. Just a little bit.

Both my parents stay home to talk to me and hear more details about the last three years. There's no point in hiding any of it from them now, but I try anyway, insisting nothing's wrong and that I'm fine. That I've been fine. But even as the words leave my mouth, my vision starts to blur.

Eventually, tears slip out from the corners of my eyes, but I still keep my mouth shut. Mom and Dad try a new tactic. They tell me what Jax told them to verify if what he said is true, carefully watching my reaction. I try to shut down and keep my expression blank, but hearing them recount the last few years to me—even if it's just the abbreviated version—makes me break down faster than I think it would.

In the end, I tell them the full version of what's been happening just so I don't have to hear it from them. If anyone is going to make me cry, I prefer it to be myself. If I'm gonna be hurt, it's because I chose it. And I do choose to be hurt. But I also choose to hurt my parents when I tell them everything. There's a lot of crying on all our parts. Me because I have to relive it all. Mom and Dad because all of this was happening, and they had no idea their only kid was going through hell for the past few years.

After I'm done, I expect them to yell at me for not saying anything sooner or tell me I should've done something different. They don't. They hug and hold me while I sob, getting me tissues and letting me lay with my head and feet on their laps like I'm seven and not seventeen. At some point, I drift off to sleep and wake up tucked into bed.

My eyes feel swollen from all the crying. Considering all the light pouring in from my window, I think it's safe to say I slept for most of the day. I sit up and rub my face, taking a few deep breaths. I'm tempted to stay in my room, but I think I need to tell Mom and Dad that everything that happened isn't as big of a deal as it sounds. Sure, I cried myself to sleep, and I was passed out for most of the day, but that's only because...I'm tired...

Right. That's it.

I throw my blanket off me and get out of bed. I take a moment to pull on a hoodie and wash my face before I slowly descend the stairs. Mom and Dad look in my direction the moment I come into view. They gesture for me to join them in the kitchen where they already have food out. I wordlessly sit at the kitchen table and eat whatever they put in front of me. We don't talk. The only sound is my chewing and the utensils clinking against the bowl.

Mom and Dad don't take their eyes off me once. They know I haven't been eating as much as I should've in the past, so I guess I should get used to them watching to make sure I am eating from now on. Another reminder that I'm worrying them for no reason and for something as basic as eating.

I force down every single crumb no matter how nauseous it makes me. I pick up my bowl before either of my parents can and wash it. I feel their eyes on me the entire time, but they keep quiet until I finish the dishes. They gently tell me to go sit on the couch, so I listen, running my hands down my hoodie.

The moment we're all sitting on the couch with me between my parents, I blurt, "It's not a big deal. I'm fine."

Dad shakes his head, shifting to face me. "You're not. And that's okay. You've been through a lot."

Mom nods, putting a hand on my shoulder. "If you needed us—"

I shake my head, looking down at my hands as I play with my bandage. "I didn't need you because I was fine. I am fine."

Mom and Dad keep trying to get me to acknowledge that I'm lying to myself. The more they try, the more I try to convince them that I'm not lying. But the more we argue, the more the tears threaten to come back until they spill down my face again.

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