"I think I'll take Pepper's advice and take a look in the mirror." He waves goodbye before walking out of the large kitchen. "Nice hairstyle, Tony!" Clint's voice echoes from the other side of the door.

I silently count to three before I hear a dull sound and a muffled "Ow!", probably from Clint, followed by stomping footsteps that hurry away, belonging to the slightly pissed Tony

I laugh but stop when my phone rings. I look at the display, and a deep frown creeps onto my face. "Aiden, what do you want?" My voice changes from happy laughter to an annoyed tone within a few seconds.

"I want to meet you, babe. It's been a while, and I require your assistance once again." I can literally hear his smirk, and it makes me sick. I know exactly what he wants.

"I'm out. I told you months ago. I don't want this. If I knew, I would never have bound myself to you!" I snap. "There's no stepping out, babe. You're mine."

He chuckled darkly, and I shudder. "Stop calling me that! We passed that point the moment I found out. I belong to nobody!" I end the call and try to hold back the tears that threaten to escape my eyes.

My phone rings once again, but I don't bother picking it up from the table. Moments later, the screen lights up with another message. It contains a place, a time, and the instruction to not be late. He gave me only two hours.

God, how I hate this man! How did I ever think I would love this psycho? When I met him a year ago, he was loving, caring, and sweet, making me feel loved and wanted. Now, I only feel used.

Knowing that I have no choice, I get up from the table and get back to my room, where I curl up in my bed and let the tears soak my pillow. I hate myself at that moment.

I hate myself for being so weak, for being blind from love, for not noticing until it was too late, but overall, I hate him. I hate him for the control he holds over me, for the things he put me through, and for the pain he causes not only to me but to everyone who gets too close.

I wipe away the salty traces from my cheeks and look through my wardrobe, grabbing a black hoodie along with black jeans and quickly change before heading out of the Avengers Tower.

People stare at me as I jog through the streets until I arrive at my destination. I'm well aware of the contrast of my black clothes against the colourful crowd. But the more I near the dark alleys and the worn-down houses, the fewer people care.

In this part of New York, people don't eye my appearance with eyes narrowed in suspicion. I blend perfectly with the rest of them. The colours are suddenly all gone, replaced by all shades of grey and black.

It's pretty normal here to walk around like this. I hide in the shadow of a door frame in an empty alley, taking a nervous glance at my watch before I hear them coming.

Three men are slowly approaching. I instantly recognize the slim figure of Aiden in the middle of them. He's smaller than the two others who look like they were spending all their time in fitness studios.

It's typical for Aiden to surround himself with guys who are stronger than him but willing to be led by him. Nobody would take him seriously if he tried to threaten someone without his bodyguards.

"Y/n!" Aiden spreads his arms wide in a welcoming gesture as if he's welcoming an old friend. But I'm not old, and I'm certainly not his friend. Not after all that's happened. "Did you miss me, babe?"

I only glare at him. How dare he even talk to me! His smug grin is all it takes to stir my rage. "Stop your rambling and tell me what you want so I don't have to endure your presence any longer!"

Shatter Me (LokixReader)Where stories live. Discover now