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Today was graduation. Mason and I hung out before we had to get ready, but now here I am, about to graduate. I've met so many friends, yet not many stayed meanwhile others are here for a lifetime even if we don't talk. I was in a red and black cap and gown with a black dress under. My hair was in a braid and I was waiting for my name to be called. Of course, there were speeches first and I was one of the speakers.

"First I'd like to say, this was a crazy ride." Lily started, she was a speaker too, "Meeting so many new friends, losing a few great ones, but none of us will remember it in ten years. Families will be made and that's all we'll care about. That's all I have to say, now it is Ivy's turn."

Lily speech was small, but interesting I guess. We passed and she gave me a small smile.

"Wow, I don't know where to start, actually." I said, "Lily was right, for the most part. One day with our families, memories will flash back and we'll remember these people. If they caused you harm or great, maybe even both, you'll remember. Most of you would remember me as the crazy person probably, but I'm okay with that. Even if I hate you, I'm really going to miss you as cheesy as that sounds. Yep, this speech is over so I can get my diploma thank you all."

I grabbed my diploma from the principal and the next person came up. Speech after speech, it was basically all the same. The principal then spoke and we threw our hats. I made Brandon grab my hat because I didn't want to get up.


After it was all over, I ran into some people I didn't want to see.

"Hey, Lyn." Ingrid said, also dressed in a cap and gown.

"They let you graduate?" I asked, not really caring.

"I want to say I'm sorry about everything."

"It's fine, it's high school. I'm going to college now where there will be less drama, okay?"

"...I'm going to the same college as you."

"YOU WHAT?" I screamed.

"And I'm your roomie."

"Deep breaths... deep breaths.." I muttered to myself, this is the calm before the storm.

"You okay?" Mason asked, wrapping an arm around me, not noticing Ingrid.

"I'm going to the same college as her and we're going to be roomies! Along with Val! It'll be like old times, she doesn't hate you for being a slut anymore." Ingrid said.

"I think... I think I might die." I said dramatically.

"She's dead, you're no longer roomies." Mason told Ingrid with a shrug.

Ingrid rolled her eyes and tugged me out of his arms. The calm before the storm... She's only nice now because she's Ingrid, nice then mean as fuck.

"Don't worry, Lyn, Ashton won't be there." Ingrid explained before we got over to Valerie.

I hate both of these people. How do they even know we're roommates? Are they hacking into shit to make my life horrible or..? I haven't talked to either of them in months and they're nice? Last time they were rude bitches.

"Hey, Lynny!" Valerie said hugging me tightly, "We will crush you." She whispered in my ear.

Ah, yep, there it is. I was waiting on it. I don't understand why Valerie wants to ruin my life so much. I just thought it was high school. Maybe she's always on her period, that happens to some people.

"Yeah, I gotta go pack and shit. Ruin my life later, k?" I said, walking to my car.

My family was here to see me graduate, but I drove myself. Once I got home, I changed into some sweatpants and nearly cried. High school bullies usually never follow you into your college years, they either let others do that or they mature. I guess both of them never matured, it's stupid their whole life is about plotting against me. Pathetic really.

"You okay?" Mason asked, climbing through my window.

"I don't want to go... I don't want to leave you guys..." I said, tears threatening.

"Well, I have a surprise for you."

Just then, Grayson, Coco, Mikey, and Lily climbed through my window. Then I cried, just as Brandon climbed through. I hugged Grayson first.

"Take care of my best friend or I'll go to Maine and kill you." I threatened.

"I will. I think I might miss your crazy ass." Grayson said.

"You better, I'm crying because I'm going to miss everyone."

Next was then Lily, who also cried. Sure we got into a small fight, but we were once best friends not that long ago.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"Me too. I'm going to miss you." I cried back.

"I'll miss you too and I'll pack your stuff as you cry on everyone else because I'm nice, okay?"

I laughed and shoved her aside so I could hug the shit out of Coco.

"I'm going to miss you, bitch, better visit me when you're a famous lawyer." Coco said.

"You're damn right I will, I'll get your ass out of any case and that'll be my visit and as a present you won't have to pay me." I said.

"Don't forget to be the biggest bitch like you always are."


I smiled at her as she went to help Lily pack my stuff. That's how you be a good friend, you pack their shit for them even though you'll miss them. I was then crushed by Brandon.

"Ah, drunk buddy how will I ever forget you?" Brandon asked.

"Drink." I replied with a laugh.

"Always the answer for you. I think I'm going to miss your drunken kisses the most."

"They were the best drunken kisses you've ever gotten."


"I'd get drunk and kiss you for the last time, but I have a plane to catch at midnight and I'm not allowed to be drunk when I get on the plane."

"There will be another some day, even if it isn't from you."

"They'll never be as good as mine though. Now get out of my face I have more friends to hug."

I pushed him aside and crushed Mikey with a big hug.

"Hey, Mickey Mouse." I said.

"All I get is hey?" Mikey pouted.

"Fine. I might miss your sassiness or stupidity. Now get out of my face, I'm a celebrity." I joked.

Mikey huffed, "Fine then. Didn't need you anyway. I might miss you being crazy and always fighting then being the good girl."

"Fuck this, I'm going to miss you, buddy."

"I'm going to miss you too, Ivy."

I let go of Mikey and turned towards Mason. Saved the best for last... Wow I'm going to miss him a lot more than I think. I literally jumped on him and hugged him.

"I'll miss you too." Mason said with a laugh.

"This is hard..." I mumbled.

"I know, for me too. I'm halfway across the country from you..."

"We'll meet again someday, even if it's only at the reunions. This isn't goodbye forever."

"Goodbye temporarily..." Mason said.

"Goodbye temporarily..." I repeated.


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