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I cried hard. I didn't even get to my bed, I was on my fucking floor crying. Over a boy. The last time I cried over a boy it was Ashton and Blake had held me through the entire time I cried. Now I have myself to hold myself. But I have no problem with that, I'd rather people only see me in my strong moments.

But of course, what I want never comes true because Mason just jumped through my window. I wish I could stop crying, but my tears wouldn't let me. Mason looked at me with sad eyes and picked me up in his arms. I sobbed for hours, neither of us saying a word. Once I was finished, I went to look in the mirror.

I looked like hell. My hair was ratty and my cheeks were stained, makeup running down them. My eyes were red and puffy. I grabbed some clothes and went into the shower. After my shower, I dressed in an oversized t-shirt and comfy shorts. I put my hair up in a bun on the top of my head and walked out. Mason was still here, lying on my bed. I bit my lip and walked over to my bed and layed down, facing him.

"I'm sorry you had to witness that." I said quietly, not making eye contact.

He lifted my chin up, making me have eye contact with him.

"Just tell me why I had to sit here with you for hours instead of your best friends." Mason demanded softly.

"It was just a fight with a friend, no biggie." I said.

"What friend? Don't tell me it's no biggie when I held you for hours as you cried."

"Fine. It was Lily's brother. I happened to be friends with him and some stuff happened."

"Quit avoiding it, just tell me."

"Okay, not my fault if you don't want to hear it afterwards. Lily's brother kissed me a few weeks back, but you know that since you're an eavesdropper. I was going to stay at Lily's, so I thought I would cut the awkwardness with him and it turned into a huge fight about the best friend rule and he told me to get out of the house, so I left."

"Best friend rule?"

"You can't kiss or like like the best friend's siblings in any way."

"It's funny how you say like like instead of love."

"I made the rule, it's like like."

"Now if it was just a regular guy, I'd tell you to burn his house down. But since it's Lily's brother, you can't do that."

I rolled my eyes and got out off my bed. Walking downstairs, I heard Mason's footsteps behind me. Oh thank god no one is home. I walked into the kitchen and started searching the cupboards for food. Believe it or not, I was too short to reach the candy cupboard. I climbed onto the counter top and opened the cupboard, taking the candy out.

I sat down on the counter top, looking through the candy to see what I wanted. Mason stood in between my legs as I searched. I groaned in fustration. There was no candy that I liked! This is a fucking outrage!

"I hate all this fucking candy." I muttered.

Mason chuckled and took some candy. The last lolipop that I liked. How could I not see that? I narrowed my eyes at him as he put it in his mouth. Asshole.

"Let's go rob Wal-Mart." I said, hopping off the counter.

Mason raised his eyebrows at me, but followed. I grabbed my keys and got into my car, Mason in the passenger side. We arrived at Wal-Mart and went over the plan before putting masks and gloves on. It just makes it more entertaining.

We walked into Wal-Mart ignoring the stares. We walked into the candy isle and stuffed as much candy in our bags without anyone seeing. I nodded at Mason, motioning to run out of Wal-Mart.  We ran out of the store, laughing as the security guy tried to chase us. I started my car as Mason shoved the candy in the back seat.

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