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I hate that in a week I'll never see my best friends again. It honestly hurts. I should've stayed a loner and didn't make any friends, it sounds less painful.

"We have a week left, Lynette!" Coco screamed at me as I laid in my bed.

"I know. Lily still hate me?" I asked.


"That makes it less painful."

Coco sighed and sat next to me.

"I'm not one for heart-to-heart conversations, but this calls for one. One day when we have families, we'll see each other again and still remember everything about each other. Even if it's one day, it'll happen. So what if we never see each other again? It was worth however long we were friends. You made Brandon worth your time and he'll remember you forever, so will Mason. You showed them a different kind of crazy in life even if you didn't know each other long. You even left a mark on Lily and me." Coco said.

"That's just the thing, Coco. They left marks on me too and it's going to be painful through college... What if I'm the one who doesn't get a family? Who fucks around and gets shot first and you all come to my funeral? There's going to be somebody..." I replied.

"We'll cross that bridge when it happens, now get up and go shopping with us for the last time."

I smiled and got ready. Once I was ready, we went to the mall to shop, along with Lily no matter how mad she was at me.

"How about this?" Coco asked, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

"You're buying." I said.

"Cool with me! Lily's too pure for this anyway."

Shopping took up most of my day, so I couldn't spend in with anyone else. Once I got home at midnight, I was tired. I put my bags away and went downstairs to get something to drink. In the kitchen sat Adam.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah... It's just hard to adapt to that you're not going to be here for a while, or forever. You're going to be out starting a family and I stayed here." Adam said, sighing.

"No one wants to be in this town, Adam, that's why I'm leaving. I don't want to leave you guys behind, but what you do with your life is your choice and I'm jumping at any chance to leave here."

"How are you going to adapt without your friends?"

"I'll get over it, I guess. I don't need friends to get through college, I'll be just fine without, but if I get some on the way then that's just it."

"What're you doing tomorrow?"

"Probably staying home... I already had today with Lily and Coco, I had three weeks with Brandon, Mikey I'll figure something out, and Mason I'm avoiding."

"Okay, then.."

The next day I spent my entire day with Adam, my mom, and my dad. No one wants me to leave, but they know it's my choice and I really want to leave. I know they're going to be upset, I am too. Hell, we have 2 days left... Today, I decided to do something that would probably piss everyone off. What is that? Well you're about to find out.

I was home alone, so I invited Brandon over. Before he came, I changed into tight white skinny jeans and a black crop top with black heels. I heard a knock on the door, so I opened it. I let Brandon in and we sat on my couch.

"I want you." I said, and that's all I had to say.


An hour later, we laid beside each other naked in my bed. I looked over at Brandon and he looked over at me.

"I don't know what you're going to say, but I don't regret that and I never will." I said.

"I know." Brandon said, "It's kinda weird. We were like drinking buddies and we just fucked sober."

I laughed, "Was trying to make you remember me one day. You'll have kids that are drinking and you'll think of my crazy ass..."

"And how are you going to remember me? Your kid's friends holding their hair back as they puke?"

"No, when my children get arrested for stupid shit we did I'll remember you."

"It's crazy... People we know today we won't remember in 10 years unless they left a mark on you."

"It's also stupid. Getting close to people just to leave them, it's fucking emotional and I hate that."

"It's worth it... Even if you only know that person for a couple months or weeks."

I heard the front door open downstairs. I muttered 'shit' and quickly got dressed, Brandon also got dressed. I threw my sheets down the laundry shoot and Brandon climbed out of my window. Ah, smart boy. After a few minutes, no one came up so I took a quick shower.

After I got out of the shower, I realized Brandon left a hickey on my neck. I shrugged it off and dressed in my pajamas. I walked back into my bedroom to see Mason sitting on my bed. Fuck.

"Hi?" I asked.

"Your friend isn't hiding in the closet, is he?" Mason asked.

"Nope." I said, popping the 'p'.

"How you gonna hide that from Adam?"

"I don't know yet, probably make-up. Why are you here?"

"You're going to forget me one day, I don't want that to be soon."

"So what are you saying?"

"I was going to take you out to have a memorable day, but you have something on your neck called a hickey not from me."

"Ugh, how about before graduation tomorrow?"

"That'll work, but we're also doing something today called watching Netflix so find clean blankets and I'll get the food."


"Criminal Minds." I whined.

"You've seen them all and so have I. Let's watch a movie, a scary movie." Mason stated.

"Ugh, fine. I choose the movie then."

"So difficult."

Mason handed me the remote and I scrolled through the movies. After many minutes of arguing, I settled on one and cuddled into him. I'm actually going to miss Mason, you'll never find an idiot like him. Mean, but nice at the same time. Of course like any other guy, he's different around his friends, but that's because.... Well, they're guys. Some girls can't take their jokes, but I can... sometimes.

"I'm going to miss you..." I said quietly.

"I'll miss you too." Mason said back.


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