The family feast would only have him and his four successors.

Even the servants were given temporary holidays, a chef that had been hired for many years was the only one who was left behind, an old chef that was a little obtuse.

The four successors were each ordered to take something from the kitchen in turns. They would then witness a scene where the old chef 'added poison'. According to the different personalities of the successor in the kitchen, the old chef would have different reasonings and targets to 'poison'. All of them would get two chances to correct the old chef's mistake—once in the kitchen, once at the dinner table.

Old Master Lian was going crazy over his test for affection.

This time he wanted to know if, for the sake of the inheritance, they would sit by and just watch as another successor—watch as their own son, sibling, niece, even their father—consume poison.

There was a commotion in front. The third daughter's scream rang out, "Those are my friends, how can you chase them off?"

"Mr Lian said, this is a family feast, outsiders are not allowed to participate." Lawyer Huang said with a professional tone, "You can either stay or leave together with them."

"It has begun." Ning Ning thought.

At this moment, a mobile phone beside her rang.

She turned her head to look at the other party, Pei Xuan, who stood up and said, "Apologies, I need to take another call."

In the washroom.

"Brother Pei, we have searched every phone booth and shop along with any other places that have a public phone, but we have not found him." The crew-cut man asked, "What do we do now? Do I tell them to continue searching, or..."

Pei Xuan tsk-ed, "Forget it, tell them to stop searching. Go back to the original plan for now...Give me a minute, someone is here."

Just as he hung up, a person entered the washroom behind him. The person leapt onto Pei Xuan just as he turned around, forcing him to take two steps back and hit his back on the wall.

"Have you gone mad?" Pei Xuan said in a low voice.

"You have to help me, you said you would!" The third daughter, Lian Yuan Yuan, wrapped her arms around his waist as she frantically and angrily spoke out.

Pei Xuan hurriedly walked over to the door and locked it, then looked down at Lian Yuan Yuan who still wasn't letting go and said, "I will definitely help you, but let's talk somewhere else, shall we? If the two of us were to be seen like this, we wouldn't be able to explain ourselves."

"The two of us have been dubious for a long time, why would you be afraid of people gossiping?" Lian Yuan Yuan rebuked, "Quickly help me deal with the few other people, secure the old man's inheritance, then we can sign the marriage certificate and split the stuff in half."

This insatiably avaricious and vain woman would actually split it in half with him? Pei Xuan smiled. He knew that she was lying, but it didn't matter, he had a way to force her to keep her word.

But on the surface he consoled her with tender affection, "Don't worry, everything is going to plan, everything will be yours...alright, take it out."

He reached a hand out to Lian Yuan Yuan.

Lian Yuan Yuan hesitated before opening her handbag, taking out a bottle of eyedrops from inside, but she still held onto it tightly and was unwilling to hand it over to him.

"Are there no other ways?" Lian Yuan Yuan hemmed and hawed, "My eldest brother is a very vigilant person, he has never eaten anything carelessly, he has a lot of friends too. If anything were to happen to him, those friends would come out..."

I've Transmigrated Into This Movie BeforeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora