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After having a series of nightmares, there is that little wish to see those people in your dreams who bring you happiness, who make your heart glow. Jimin is that person for me. He is my blue crayon, he paints my gray sky into a brilliant shade of blue.

He is my angel who woke me up from my nightmares.

Even after these months, his warmth was still the same, his eyes showed the same sincerity, and radiated the same love.

But somehow his eyes were sad, they looked like they were waiting to say something. That something wasn't easy to say. I knew that look he was giving us.

When he hugged me, it felt like a piece of him was missing. There was an emptiness that I felt.

And I was right. Tears streamed across his face like he hadn't intended for them to fall.

My boy is in pain, how could that not hurt me?

He laced his fingers with mine like he wanted me to not break down.

All these days I thought of this moment, of what I would do when he actually wakes up. Now I feel like it's not going to be easy for us.

"What is it baby?" I tried to sound calm but my voice broke.

"I don't remember anything. It hurts to see you cry. I didn't even remember my name, your name. It just hurts everywhere." he cried.

There was a storm going on in my head right now, trying to process each and every word he said.

"Come here." I said sitting close to him. I pulled him close and hugged him. He pressed his face on my shoulder and cried.

I heard sighs coming from Dr. Kim and Sister Lily.

"It's okay, it's okay, we'll get better together. It's okay." I rubbed his back in circles.

"Jimin, we are gonna run a few tests, okay? Then I think we can discharge you soon. Yoongi can I talk to you?"

"I'll be back okay?" he kept looking into my eyes.

It pained me to leave him.

I followed Dr. Kim out to her chamber. She asked me to sit on the chair. I was trying to hold onto my tears by digging my nails into my palm.

"It's okay to cry Yoongi." She sat back with arms crossed.

Jin walked into her room talking to someone on his phone. He stopped talking when he saw us sitting like that.

"I'll talk to you later."

He sat next to me and asked with a worried voice, "What happened?"

"He woke up."

"What! That's- crazy, oh my God, let me go and meet him. He'll be able to enjoy Christmas. But wait, why do you look like this? Mom?"

"Jimin doesn't remember anything. He doesn't remember who I am. He doesn't remember my name." I whispered as the tears kept falling. God, crying is so exhausting.

I could tell he was shocked. I felt Jin's hand on my back as I cried and cried and cried.

"He's hurting and he says it hurts him to see me crying."

"Well, Yoongi, the memories are just temporarily concealed deep within. The shock of incidents, trauma, they lead to loss of memory, but our habits, our likings, they don't change. We still are the same person, we don't have any altered memory, all of it is just hidden, for some time. It can come back soon, it might take years. Knowing the type of person Jimin is, seeing how he behaved with you, it's not going to be easy to keep him in good health, because he might end up being hard on himself."

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