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Why does my head hurt so badly?

I rolled over to my side to find him sleeping on his stomach, a hand dangling from the bed.

I squeeze my eyes so hard from the pain that steered right across my forehead that everything appears dark when I open them.

It felt like I had been asleep for ages. The room was still dark but a little amount of sunlight crept in through the curtains.

I tried to make some noise but he didn't wake up. My throat was dry and I needed water. What is making him sleep so deeply? I felt so irritated that I almost shouted but I refrained from doing so because he looked really peaceful. So I just lay there.

I looked over to the side to check the time and it was just 2 minutes past 6am.

Suddenly the thought of visiting my parents crossed my mind. I don't remember anything after telling them about the competition. I wondered deeply to remember anything about last night. I tried to close my eyes and focus on tracing my steps back home.

The pain that instilled in my heart after I recalled the incidents of last night was way too much to handle.

I clearly got the answer to my terrible headache, it was the hangover.

I remember falling on Yoongi. I remember him scrubbing my back.

But surprisingly I don't remember anything after that. Whenever I try to think of what happened after I came back home I get only black images in response.

I remember Yoongi bathing me but strangely, nothing after that.

However I remember falling asleep in his arms. Hopefully I didn't embarrass myself in front of him, not that any of us would care.

The bed shifted underneath me as he rolled onto his side finally freeing me from his grip.

But I miss the warmth almost as soon as he removes his hand. So I move close to him nuzzling my head into his neck. He muffles a soft laughter as he ruffles my hair.

"Hey?" he said in his raspy morning voice that made the hair on the back of my neck rise.

"Hey." I reply, fighting back the pain.

"Be lucky that you have me because I swear no one would not be able to handle a baby like you. You are so clingy when you are drunk." He laughed.

"Are you going to tease me now?" I whined

"Forever, Park Jimin. The best part was when I was bathing you and you quietly hummed and listened to me like a little obedient child." He couldn't stop laughing.

"Usually I have to pull you out of this bed. Why are you being like this?" I hit his stomach playfully, burying my face deep in the pillow.

"That is because I love you. And moreover I got to see you dance like that." He said.

"I actually danced? You are joking right?" I was so embarrassed that I hid my hot face further with my hands. This is getting bad.

"Put your head on my shoulder..." he sang, his shoulders going up and down as he laughed. I hit him as my face burned.

I buried my face deep into his chest and he hugged me.

"You are unbelievable." I spoke into his warm clothes.

"Says the one who danced drunk." his giggles were never ending.

"Did you complete your homework?" I asked, silencing all of it. He rolled over to the side, sighing. Hehe.

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