Without her, the remaining people could not act out the scenes.

Once they finished the subsequent procedures, the siblings dragged their tired bodies out of the hospital. An ambulance with a blaring siren passed them by and stopped at the hospital entrance. The doors opened, the doctors and nurses wheeled a stretcher trolley out of the ambulance and frantically pushed it into the hospital.

The emergency room sign lit up, a man with a crew cut buried his depressed face in his hands.

After a while, the sound of footsteps approached him before finally stopping right in front of him.

"Get lost, let the man have some peace and quiet." The Crew-cut Man said. He jumped out of the chair the moment he put his hands down. "Bro, Brother Pei, you're here."

The two lackeys who followed behind Pei Xuan looked at him. Pei Xuan took off his sunglasses. "What happened? We told you to look after a person, how did the person end up in an emergency room?"

"You can't blame this on me, Brother Pei." The Crew-cut Man cried, "She insisted on driving. I could not dissuade her, so I let her drive. Who knew she would immediately crash into a tree..."

Pei Xuan sighed, he placed his hand on the Crew-cut Man's shoulder. The two of them slowly walked around a little. He whispered into the ear of the Crew-cut Man, "Then you better pray that she can be saved, if not I will hang you on a tree."

The emergency room sign dimmed and the door opened. The doctor walked out, "Are the relatives of the patient here?"

The Crew-cut Man and Pei Xuan walked over frantically. "Here. Doctor, how is she?"

"Sorry, we tried our best." The doctor told them regretfully.

The Crew-cut Man was hit by a bolt from the blue so hard he was not able to focus for a long while.

Pei Xuan, on the other hand, pushed the doctor to the side and rushed into the room, looking at the unconscious teenage girl.

"Although we managed to save her life, she remains unconscious." The doctor walked over and told him, "You two should be mentally prepared that she would never wake up again."

Pei Xuan slowly turned his head. In that moment, the Crew-cut Man saw a noose strung up on a tree, his body swaying gently with the noose around his neck.

"Doctor!!!" The Crew-cut Man grabbed onto the doctor's arm tightly, his face was filled with mucus and tears. "I think she can still be saved!!"

Later on, they filled in the hospitalisation forms for the teenage girl. Pei Xuan left the ward with a cigarette in hand because smoking was not allowed in the ward. A lackey took out a lighter and helped him light his cigarette. Just as the cigarette was lit, he suddenly heard someone from the side said, "That scared me, the girl I just sent in looked exactly like another person...and it's not just her face—her height, weight and body measurements were all the same."

Hmm? Pei Xuan turned around to look, he saw a young man and woman in white coats not far from him. They looked like they had just joined the hospital as interns, they spoke without a filter as they talked about a patient.

He pricked his ears up and listened for a moment, then shot a look at the lackey behind him. The lackey understood and walked over, putting his arm around the male intern and dragging him off. After a while, the lackey returned to Pei Xuan's side. He quietly told him the information he had heard from the intern.

"There's a girl who looks identical to Lian Lian?" Pei Xuan raised his eyebrow, "What's her name?"

"Mu Lan, Mu Tou, Mu Ji..." The lackey listed off names for a long while.

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