Understanding Corruption

Start from the beginning

Llorona looked over at the horned girl. Her skin, vibrant pink the day before, was now faded. It would become pale by the next morning. Her horns would probably fall off in a day or two. The pink girl asked, hungry for more details "How long did it take?"

While the reason why may have been horrifying, the actions alone were downright heroic. "A year. 9 months ago, a hive somehow snuck in, and she was nearly one of the victims. Fortunately, he saved her. She's adored him ever since." It was clear that Izuku, despite his cynicism and poor fortune, had the heart of a hero. At least to those who were paying attention. Bakugo didn't, far more concerned with other matters... like how half the inn stared at him with enough vitriol to kill him, if looks could kill.
Toru and Mina both spoke at the same time, "Aw... that's adorable..." 

Llorona was tiring of the conversation, content to watch Izuku get praise from the other kids his age. "I guess. Just be ready for his teachings tomorrow."

Izuku waited for them the next day at the main part of the inn. As Class A trickled down, Izuku sat, enjoying Lucy's heartfelt breakfast, made just for him. Bacon, Eggs, and warm bread, followed with a cold glass of milk. Unpasturised, sure, but still some normalcy. Everyone else also had their breakfast... although, Katsuki was the last to arrive. Swallowing the last of the scrambled eggs, he cleared his throat. The entirity of the class glanced at him. "I heard yesterday was a bit of a fiasco. So, today, there will be no practical component. Instead, I'm going to bring you to the town's laboratory, and we'll discuss more there. Depending on how strong your... constitution is, you may or may not want to eat. Just be ready in 10 minutes." 

Walking over to Lucy as the class organized themselves, Izuku thanked her, before looking back at them.

"You've got quite a group to watch over. Will you be alright?" She asked, setting the plate down behind the bar.

"I made a promise to a personal legend of mine. I have to." Izuku stated, before letting her go around the bar.

Walking up to him, she leant down slightly to give him a quick peck on the cheek, her blue and green eyes meeting his flustered ones. "Just, be safe, alright? I've heard stories about what's in the morgue..."

"Most of which are unfounded." Izuku stated, before he gave her a quick hug. The girls cooed at the scene before the greenette passed them, and the class followed close behind. Many of the usual patrons shifted their gazes back to whatever they were doing, only after a certain blond haired boy left. She sighed, knowing that even after the Quarter moon, that boy's time would be short. He was just as daring as that boy that ran around with a target on his chest. Cain went easy on him, but the other's wouldn't... when it was time. Not like she would stop them. Their buisness was their own. And if it helped Izuku with his, then, who was she to disagree with that?

As they walked, Izuku was pelted with questions from a few individuals. They had introduced themselves as Iida, Momo, and Todoroki. Clearly, the most studious out of them all, with calculating intelligence, but each had their own flaws. Iida was a stickler for the rules. He wouldn't dream of breaking any or even bending them. He was far too rigid, and would probably die to a person who hid in a bush. Momo's flaw was confidence. When she knew what she was talking about, she would be quite the conversationalist... but without that backup? She would crumble. That would make her easy to overwhelm. Possibly dead if attacked from multiple directions. Todoroki on the other hand... oh boy was he a mess. Cold, calculating, and over reliant on his quirk. He would be the first to die, maybe around the same time as that Mineta kid. Especially if that violet haired harasser didn't leave Lucy alone. Finally remembering why the names of those three stuck out, Izuku's eyes lit up... and then refocused on their questions when he noticed a cold fury when Todoroki mentioned his father. To be fair, when Izuku left, Enji Todoroki was the number 2 hero: Endeavour. Kinda famous, and he could understand being annoyed by the pressure... but that felt really off. A lot more negativity than just being the son of a famous hero.

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