"The first part, the small town with rumours and gossip."

She had personally experienced that part of Yan Qing's life. She had personally heard those rumours and gossip, personally seen Yan Qing getting attacked by them, being at her wits' end, and getting forced step by step to the rooftop.

"Honestly speaking, that is not the best choice." Li Bo Yue folded his arms. "A person would usually subconsciously avoid their tragic past and present their brilliance in front of others instead. Did you not realise? Yan Qing was the most sentimental when she was talking about the second part, she spent the most time talking about the third part. It would seem that she wishes to exhibit her love life and career (accomplishment) to people more."

He smiled at Ning Ning when he got to this point. "...Not the part about her life in a small town she spent five minutes talking about."

Ning Ning now knew approximately how long she was late for. In these five minutes Yan Qing had narrated her life in the small town.

Li Bo Yue was right, the first part was definitely not the best choice.

She should pick the second or third part for the sake of pleasing Yan Qing.

But Li Bo Yue answered a call at this moment and his brows furrowed as he listened to the call. In the end, he hung up and told Ning Ning, "We don't have a choice."

Ning Ning was surprised.

"Xu Yue will act out the second part, Lin Yin Yin will act out the third part." Li Bo Yue cursed under his breath. "Damn it, they want to use us as a foil to serve as a contrast."

He looked really angry, because not only did they play Ning Ning, they also played him. He was not as docile as Ning Ning, he was a person who would bite back the dog that had bitten him. Thus he immediately made a few phone calls then told Ning Ning coldly, "Come with me tonight and be prepared to stay up for the night."

"What for?" Ning Ning could not help but shudder.

"We are working overtime, Dear." Li Bo Yu answered with a smile.

A few days later, during a speech held in the hall of a certain university.

"...In 1994, I almost lost all my dignity and reputation, I even almost lost my life." Yan Qing told the university students attending her speech, "The truth of this incident was only revealed years later. It cost me a lot of time, effort and money. What did it cost the other party?"

Yan Qing held up three fingers.

"Thirty dollars." Yan Qing said with a smile. "Twenty dollars1 to hire someone to force a kiss on me, five dollars1 to rent a camera, the remaining money was used to develop and spread the photos. She succeeded. She used thirty dollars1 to set off a storm of rumours and gossip which almost destroyed public opinion of me."

"That incident happened in a small town, and now, there are a lot of similar incidents happening online. Students, can someone tell me, how much does it cost to set off a storm of rumours and gossip now? Or to put it better, how much does it cost to push a post on Weibo onto the trending page?"

A few hands were raised, there was a student who shouted the answer without raising their hand. "Three thousand dollars1 per post! Paying people or bots to comment and paying VIPs to share the post are additional costs, the prices are fair so no one will be cheated of their money."

"What the hell, there is one of them among us? He even used this opportunity to advertise?"

"Screw you! I only researched them for some knowledge. Who would want to be one of them?"

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