She moved hurriedly in between the rows of wooden chairs, her footsteps were frantically moving towards the direction of the entrance. Shi Zhong Tang's voice rang out from behind her as she was halfway through.

"Ning Ning." He shouted.

Ning Ning stopped in her tracks and turned back to look at him.

"Look." Shi Zhong Tang remained seated as he pointed to the front.

Ning Ning slowly turned her head and looked at the direction he was pointing at.

A pair of cumbersome feet appeared on the movie screen. They walked up a flight of stairs step by step as if they were cuffed by an invisible chain.

A pair of pale arms pushed the black doors in front of them open, the wind from the rooftop rushed onto the face of a person who had reached the end of the line.

Yan Qing.

Ning Ning sighed as she watched Yan Qing walk step by step to the edge of the rooftop. Ning Ning closed her eyes, she simply could not bear to watch this scene.

"Keep watching." Shi Zhong Tang insisted, "Keep watching, Ning Ning."

"What's there to watch?" Ning Ning said with difficulty.

There was another reason for her wanting to leave as soon as possible, she did not want to watch what happened to Yan Qing.

As a spectator, Ning Ning could not do too much for the main character Yan Qing, because the price of changing Yan Qing's fate would be Ning Ning's life. No matter what she tried, no matter how hard she tried, no matter whom she tried to use to help change Yan Qing's fate, she had failed by the looks of it now.

In the end, Yan Qing would still go back on track to her original fate.

She stood on the rooftop and looked down at the crowd of people below.

Yan Qing was very far away and could not hear what they had to say, but as the audience, Ning Ning could hear and see everything. She saw that there was someone who was smiling, it looked like the person was waiting for a show. She could hear a middle-aged woman smugly saying to a person beside her, "Didn't I tell you? She would not make it past three months before committing suicide. Cheating was one thing, but she even held a fake funeral to lie to everyone, she even caused me and my two daughters to be at odds with each other. They said that my words were too much and it made her take her life. Hey, how was it too much? Doesn't a person who lies to her husband deserve to die?"

Fallacious reasoning and self-proclaimed justice, the problem was that there was a market for what she was saying. There were actually quite a number of people agreeing with her. Once the number of people supporting the opinion increased, the number of people who disagreed with it would decrease. Or it would be more accurate to say that they would choose to remain silent to protect themselves. Their silence would then fan the flames on the other side. The cycle would repeat itself. The voice of one side would get louder, the other side would get softer—this was a silent spiral.

This type of spiral was very difficult to break free from. It would require an even stronger opinion along with an even stronger instigator, or an even stronger crowd. But what did Yan Qing have? She had nothing...

As she slowly stepped out with her right foot, Ning Ning closed her eyes.

"The world kisses me with pain, but I repay it with a song."

The singing voice of an adolescent boy rang out, it was like finding an oasis while drifting in the desert.

Ning Ning opened her eyes abruptly.

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