"...Where's Yun Lin?" He looked back at Li Ping Ping. "How did you take care of her?"

Li Ping Ping also looked towards the wall at the corridor, "I threw her into the walls."

Pei Xuan was taken aback by her words.

"I would never have imagined that a person could live within the walls." She looked at Pei Xuan as if she was smiling. Upon finishing her sentence, she did not clarify whether the "person" she referred to wasNing Ning or another person.

The air was heavy until gurgling sounds rang out from the kitchen.

"Lunch is ready." Li Ping Ping said as she got up.

She left Pei Xuan's side and quickly returned with lunch in hand. Rice, Couple's Sliced Beef in Chili Sauce and a piping hot plate of Sweetheart Pastry, the aroma of sesame and meat melded together, but it was unable to stir up Pei Xuan's appetite.

"Eat up." Li Ping Ping placed a piece of sweetheart pastry in front of him. "Why aren't you eating?"

"Let me wash my hands first." Pei Xuan got up and left. When he left, he forgot to bring his golf club along with him.

Li Ping Ping stared at the golf club for a moment. She waited at the original spot quietly. She could only hear (the sound of) water flowing in the washroom, but Pei Xuan did not return, thus she put down her chopsticks and quietly walked over.

She was being careful, but she was not careful enough. A pole swung down from the side and hit her on the head the moment she entered the washroom.

Li Ping Ping shouted as she wobbled on the spot, but Pei Xuan did not give her time to recover. He hit her with a steel pole usually used to hang wet clothes to dry, he also specifically aimed for her head. He only let go of the pole after Li Ping Ping was sprawled on the floor motionless, groaning weakly. He washed his hands and dried them along with his face with a towel, then combed his hair. His reflection in the mirror slowly turned from vicious to prim and proper.

Then, he turned around and walked to the piano room.

There was still a layer of dust on the piano. Pei Xuan did not know how to play the piano, neither did Ning Ning, so this room had been untouched. It was more like a storeroom as it held his documents amongst other things, usually neither of them would come into the room.

The photo frame on the wall had been taken down as well. Pei Xuan walked over to the wall and took out a key, he inserted the key into the peephole.

The peephole was hidden behind the photo frame, the keyhole was hidden within the peephole.

The door that was disguised as a wall opened.

Who knew that there was another world on the other side of the wall.

This world was like a reflection of the outside world. The corridor reflected the corridor, the room reflected the room, it seemed like someone copied the villa on the outside and pasted a copy inside the walls.

The difference was that the world outside was bright and beautiful, whereas the world on the inside was dark and desolate.

"It's so dark, why don't you turn on the lights?" Pei Xuan felt around the wall beside him. As he finished speaking, he switched on the lights.

The lights were turned on, the woman in the corner of the walls flinched.

She was so shrivelled up and skinny that she looked like a dried corpse in a floral dress that was just dug up. The originally pretty curls in her hair were now withered and yellow, her hair was draped on the floor.

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