✯Twenty-Four✯ - Peppermint

Start from the beginning

Teresa at this point felt like a fool for having read too much when there was absolutely nothing to read about. An embarrassing blush made its way to her face. "I had no idea he did."

Isabella waved it all off. "Let me not keep you two love birds waiting." She teased as she turned around back to the counter, not before giving them both a wink that made Teresa fidget in her feet.

Love birds? She and Jacob?

There was no way she and Jacob were love birds. If they were compared with two animals who fought over something? Then that she would totally agree with.

"I'll see you later." Jacob spoke over his shoulders, as he led them both out of the flower shop through the backdoor. He immediately stepped out of her line of view when the door shut behind her.

It took her a few seconds to capture the view that had just greeted her sight.

There she was standing in the backyard of the flower shop. A small round table, with a white coverall on it. On the table was a transparent vase with a mixture of yellow and purple tulips inside. She noticed some petals on the floor leading straight to the table and two chairs.

At the top was a huge canopy covering the entire place, making sure the weather didn't ruin the things that had been arranged. A soft classic music was playing from an MP3 not too far from the table.

The settings weren't too much, and at the same time it wasn't too bland. It was just the way she likes it.

"Do you like it?" Jacob asked, a hint of uncertainty laced in his voice. It was obvious he was nervous as her face didn't give more reaction to anything.

A wicked thought immediately crawled its way through her head. Maybe it was about time she played Jacob a bit. It would probably cool the hit tension between them both.

She shrugged with a bored look on her face, forging nonchalantly. "You could have done better," She said in an unappreciative and ungrateful way, giving the entire surrounding a look of disdain. "But I guess this will do for now."

From the corner of her eyes she noticed Jacob stiffening, a flash of failure on his entire posture, before he was quick to mask it up, almost making it seem like it wasn't there a while ago. She would have to give it something huge for how quick he mastered the act of poker face.

Wanting to add more to his obvious sadden state, she sluggishly stroll around the surrounding area as if scrutinizing it with a look of disappointment. "I'm sure you organized this," She asked, giving him a brief glance. The silence proved her right. "Obviously." She scoffed in disappointment.

Deep down she felt guilty for displaying such an attitude on him outside. While inside she couldn't help the buzz of emotion that was almost taking her out of control at the very thought he had planned and took his busy time to organize the whole thing for her.

Jacob's face held that of frustration. His fingers scratched the stubbles on his beard. His forehead etched like he was deep in thought. "I didn't know what I was actually thinking of making this our first date. I'm sorry. There's a good restaurant just a few blocks from here, it-"

Teresa chuckled as she watched him ramble, interrupting him from finishing his words. She had wanted to test his limit with her, she wanted to push him more, but she found herself unable to do so. Somehow the sight of Jacob nervous and confused was too adorable for her to resist keeping up the pretense much longer.

Dropping her bag and the bouquet of flowers in her hands on the table, she slowly walked towards his direction. A huge grin on her face, an expression she hadn't for once given to him. Teresa swore she noticed him take in a shaky breath as he stared at her face.

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