✯Nineteen✯ - A Call And A Shock

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Chapter Nineteen


Room full of yellow tulip flowers. That was the last thing Teresa would expect to see in her house coming on a daily basis just for her only.

Her eyes skim around the entire surroundings of her living-room. With the sight alone it could pass out being a flower shop. And there was no one to blame but Jacob. He certainly wasn't giving up in trying to charm her.

"Can you please tell that admiral of yours to stop. This is beginning to look and get annoying." Alexa grumbled out, holding her open laptop in her arms. The irritating glance on her face didn't go unnoticed.

Teresa had chosen to cook up a story of her having a secret admiral, in order to divert Alexa from learning the real truth. And somehow her roommate believed whatever she had said. Making things easy for Teresa.

"Why do you think it's called a secret admiral? There's no way I'd know who it is." Teresa said putting her acting skills on display, silently hoping Alexa wouldn't be able to sense anything odd from her.

"Ah! If only I could just know who he was. I swear I'll squeeze the living daylight out from his neck." Alexa groans, before turning around and stomping her legs while going to her room, making sure to slam the door hard behind her.

Alexa wasn't the only one fed up with the whole flower thing, Teresa also has had it up to her neck. She had messaged Jacob to stop sending those banquets of the yellow tulip flowers every single day. But as usual he ignores her.

It's been three days since she had last seen him. And those passing days Jacob made sure to send her flowers to keep his memories fresh in her head. That was exactly what he wrote in letters at the banquet of flowers.

She couldn't deny at first she had felt special. What girl wouldn't like to receive flowers? She was made of steel to ignore the fluttering in her stomach at the beauty of the flowers. But the more it came, the annoying it was beginning to feel.

Maybe she should make a visit to his house and greet his dick with her knee, maybe that would refresh his memory a little bit on how to listen to an angry woman.

Removing her phone from her pocket she texted him again 'stop with the flowers, it's beginning to annoy my roommate.'

Dropping the phone by the side of the one of the banquet resting on the island in the middle of the kitchen. She sighed tiredly as she began plugging out petals from the stem of the flower resting on the island at the center of the kitchen.

Stretching her hands to pull another, the sound of her phone vibrating from where she had dropped it earlier. She checked to see who it was. Realizing it was her mother, she immediately lifted it up and answered.

"Hi Mom." She greeted, making sure to keep her voice as normal as possible, so as to give nothing away. If there's one thing her mother Elena Andrew can sense, it's her daughter's discomfort. She again resumes plugging off the petals tiredly, and at the same time grateful to hear from her.

"Hi sweetheart. How has your week been?" She asked in a sweet soft welcoming voice, something Teresa missed a lot these days.

Teresa had been expecting one of her parents to call today, an act neither one of them misses. Her parents always make sure to speak to her every weekend, to check up on her.

She knew it wasn't an easy decision for either one of her parents to let her go across many states to study in college while she was still a teenager. It took a lot of convincing and reassurance from her uncle Gerald in New York City who had promised to keep an eye on her while she was still in college. After sometime, they had both settled on calling her sometimes every weekday and all weekends to check up on her well being. Teresa could only understand why they were being so protective, seeing as she happened to be their only child.

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